Tokios figūros nematei: sporto fanatikė iš Brazilijos priverčia į ją atsisukti (FOTO)

Tokios figūros nematei: sporto fanatikė iš Brazilijos priverčia į ją atsisukti (FOTO)

Turbūt nerastume žmogaus, kuris pasakytų, jog sportas – blogis. Sveiką gyvenseną propaguojanti, dėl sporto treniruočių pamišusi brazilė Lais Deleon tokiam pasakymui dar ir kaip paprieštarautų.

Nuo devyniolikos metų aktyviai sportuojanti šviesiaplaukė įsitikinusi – sportas tobulina ne tik kūną, bet ir gydo sielą. Visuomet besišypsanti, energinga ir spinduliuojanti entuziazmą – tokia yra Lais, savo vazido įrašais motyvuojanti tūkstančius merginų. Lais teigia, jog didžiausia palaima jai yra matyti merginas, kurios, įkvėptos Lais, siekia sportinių rezultatų.

Ar Lais tenka daug ko atsisakyti dėl tokio kūno ir braziliško užpakaliuko? Visai ne. Jei kalbėtume apie maistą, Lais patinka save palepinti ir gabalėlio mėgstamiausio sūrio pyrago ji neatsisako. Tačiau sporto metas – šventas. Mergina net per šventes stengiasi pasportuoti ir neatideda treniruočių kitai dienai.

Tiesa, po jos nuotraukomis apstu ir piktų komentarų, kurie teigia, jog merginai vertėtų sustoti ir kiek pailsėti. Komiškesni komentatoriai teigia, jog savo pilvo presu mergina pralenktų net patį Švarcenegerį. Vis dėlto sporto entuziastė tokių kalbų nepaiso – jai svarbesni jos pačios poreikiai, tad krimtimuisi dėl aplinkinių kalbų ji neturi laiko.

Gal ir verta visą laiką skirti sportui? Pažvelk į sporto entuziastės figūrą!

How are your 2016 #goals & resolutions going?👍🏼?👎🏼 It’s Feb 1st & I’m holding myself accountable and making progress towards my goals by revisiting them monthly to reevaluate my plan of action & progress so far. Setting a resolution once & never thinking about it again nor creating a plan for execution is not enough to accomplish your goal. 💁 – I highly recommend reading our latest article from @nlaforher : A Woman’s Guide to Setting Smart Goals. (Link in my bio) – One of my goals this year is to really connect more with those of you who truly appreciate my posts. I want to post more of what you tell me you want to see and make this page an awesome resource for you. 😊 I can only do that with your help, though! I always want to hear from you. – What are some of your 2016 goals? What are some topics you’d like me to post about to help you reach them?📝

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Feb 1, 2016 at 6:03pm PST

Today was a good day 😏 Sunny/not too cold, got my workout out of the way early, and been super productive ever since. 😊 #itsthesimplethings Plus how cool are these leggings by @upvibe?!👖💙 – 💥 I’m planning some fit camps in the spring! 💪🏽 Where should I go first? Comment your city!

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Jan 20, 2016 at 4:56pm PST

Found a beach driving through San Francisco! Had to stop to walk in the sand. 😊 #happiness #sunandsand – Some of you were asking about the pants… They are from @pantstoreusa and I’m absolutely obsessed with them! Perfect Fit! 👌🏽🙌🏽 #Freddy #Pantstore – 👇🏽Tag a girl who struggles to find perfect jeans!

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on May 28, 2016 at 11:39am PDT

2 things I can’t workout without: Music & Gum. Got this sweet belt for training to hold my things from @flipbelt, so I can finally stop putting my phone in my sports bra! lol!! I think I need it in every color! Ya’ll know how I love to match. 😏 – Thanks to @flipbelt for the 15% off discount:[santa15] 💕 Should I give one away for 12 Days of Christmas?

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Dec 16, 2015 at 1:09pm PST

The way in which we see ourselves has everything to do with how our world see us and how we see ourselves successfully acknowledged by the world. Visualization is a powerful tool for success. – @gymshark Be a visionary.

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Dec 2, 2015 at 3:47pm PST

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I haven’t done an update in a while. This is me this morning. I started an attempt at a “Mini-Bulk” October 30th. Haven’t done one in over a year. As many of you know, I struggle to keep weight ON. Building and keeping on muscle has never come easily for me and took me years to build what I have. Due to all the events I attended this year I had to stay close to “shoot-ready” the majority of the year and I feel like I’ve lost some muscle as a result. Taking these couple of months to really focus on eating enough to grow and getting some great lifts. I’ve definitely gained some fat (inevitable) but haven’t noticed much additional muscle gain so far. 😁 Getting nervous about it but I’m going to stick with it and trust the process. I’m just following my Bikini Body Building Program but no cardio and adding drop-sets to the last set of most exercises. Also doing a few things to try to avoid gaining too much fat. I’ll keep you posted! @laisdeleonfitness

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Nov 26, 2015 at 12:14pm PST

#TBT to a pic I posted exactly a year ago. – Don’t ever let anyone tell you your #leggings aren’t pants. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. 😜 @laisdeleonfitness

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Nov 5, 2015 at 10:31pm PST

Enjoying the calm before the storm AKA: the #Olympia 😂 Having my morning coffee is definitely my favorite part of the day. I’ve been loving mixing it with one scoop of @nlaforher chocolate eclair #HerWhey protein powder and a little almond milk. Tastes like a mocha latte! 👌☕️ – How do you take your coffee?

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Sep 16, 2015 at 7:45am PDT

Just a reminder that it would be so easy for me to post tons of self-indulgent, “Hey look at me! checkout me out” selfies like this everyday. (Nothing wrong with it, to each their own. It works!) Instead, I take the time to consistently create & post valuable & helpful posts for YOU! Workouts, recipes, tips, & how I personally deal with motivation & staying on track. You know I don’t post 100x a day… I don’t post tons photoshoot pix to get compliments, I’m here to help & share. 💥 If you enjoy seeing my posts & want to continue to see them, Turn ON Post Notifications for my IG page. 👍🏽 – Subscribe to my YouTube channel (link in bio) for my weekly vlogs. – Follow me on snapchat: lais_deleon as I’m becoming much more active on there due to the recent changes on IG. 💕

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Mar 28, 2016 at 3:40pm PDT

Excited to start a new week on my Summer Shred Program. I shot 3 of the workouts yesterday and they were no joke! 💪🏽 You ladies will definitely be thanking your @nlaforher #Preworkout 🍋🍒 for getting you through it! 😅💦 you got this! – I like to wash my gym clothes, pack my gym bag, & prep my supplements & food on Sunday afternoons to get ready for the new week. (posted new food prep video blog – link in bio) How do you prepare for a successful week?

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on May 8, 2016 at 6:48pm PDT

Putt Putt fun ⛳️ with my love

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Oct 18, 2015 at 12:06pm PDT

Zucchini & Squash Pasta with Turkey Bolognese. Don’t be stingy! TAG A FRIEND to share this with in the comments below if you’d like me to post more recipes like this! 😊👍🏼 – This is one of my favs I make every week because it’s super quick, easy, and soooo delicious!👌🏽 – I’m so glad you all are interested in the recipe for this! I just posted a YouTube video for you too! – 🍅Ingredients: Olive oil spray Chopped onions Fresh garlic & parsley Salt-free Italian seasoning Cayenne or black pepper Extra lean ground turkey No sugar added pasta sauce (jar or homemade) Zucchini and/or squash Veggie spiralizer Fresh grated Parmesan or nutritional yeast (optional) 📝Steps: 1. Turn burner on med-high while you season Turkey with spices. 2. Spray hot skillet with olive oil and add desired chopped onions. Allow to cook until a bit translucent. 3. Finely chop parsley and garlic. Set aside. 4. Add seasoned turkey to skillet with onions. Stir and add more seasoning if desired. Continue stirring turkey as it cooks to break it up. 5. When turkey is mostly cooked add fresh garlic and parsley, stir, and lower burner temperature. 6. Boil water in a pot while you make zucchini & squash pasta with spiralizer tool. 7. When water come to a boil, drop veggie pasta in boiling water and turn burner off. Allow veggie pasta to soften & color to brighten. Then promptly remove from hot water. I try to minimally cook the “pasta” to retain most of its nutritional value. Drain or place on paper towels to soak up excess water. 8. Add sauce to turkey in skillet and allow to warm. 9. Plate “pasta” & top with turkey Bolognese sauce. 10. Garnish with Parmesan and more fresh parsley. 👌🏽🍝 – 🎥📲Watch my newest YouTube video to see how I personally make it step-by-step! (Tap link in my bio 👉🏽@laisdeleon)

A photo posted by @laisdeleon on Jan 27, 2016 at 10:43am PST

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