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Neįtikėtina: pamatyk

Neįtikėtina: pamatyk, kokią apvalutės nuotrauką pašalino „Instagram“ (FOTO)

„Apvalutėms nėra vietos po saule“, – taip pagalvojo JAV gyvenanti stiliaus blogerė Aarti Olivia Dubey. Apvalių formų mergina liko nustebusi, kai socialinis tinklas „Instagram“ pašalino jos nuotrauką su maudymosi kostiumėliu.

Stilingą fotosesiją apturėjusi apvalutė nusprendė fotosesijos akimirkomis pasidalinti su savo socialinės paskyros sekėjais. Visgi ilgai pasidžiaugti nuotraukomis jos sekėjams neteko – staiga jos buvo pašalintos Instagramo, motyvuojant tuo, jog fotografija pažeidė tinklo taisykles.

Per daug nuogo kūno? Nepasakytume – juk nedraudžiama publikuoti nuotraukų su maudymosi kostiumėliais! Apstu modelių, kurie dar ne tokias atviras nuotraukas viešina Instagramo paskyrose…

Aaarti įsitikinusi – taip nutiko todėl, jog jos formos toli gražu neprimena lieknutės merginos. „Gal aš užimu per daug ploto?“, – juokavo ji. Tuoj pat parašiusi Instagramo administracijai ji gavo atsakymą, jog tai buvo netyčinis veiksmas, todėl nuotraukos tuoj pat bus atblokuotos. Viena vertus, galbūt iš tiesų įsivėlė klaida, kita vertus, vargu ar taip būtų nutikę lieknų kūno formų merginai…

Štai ir Aarti nuotraukos, sukėlusios tikrą ažiotažą:

This is my fav shot the hubster took. It’s not on the blog because it looked out of place but I love it. This shoot was not easy. Wearing this two piece and hearing the derogatory comments in my head made it harder. I won’t lie, the past few weeks took quite a chunk of my good vibes and energy. I spent so much time deleting comments, blocking people and responding to emails..I didn’t sleep or eat much. But this was important to do. It is me reclaiming the jubilation and pride I should have felt when I shared the article with you. This is me, existing as a fat Indian girl in a stereotypically skinny Asian world. And oh god cmon, I am more than my physical vessel. I am a writer, a daughter and wife, an animal lover and trained psychotherapist, a sister, an animal lover and music aficionado. There are so many dimensions to each of us. There are so many life stories, loves and pet peeves. You won’t see me invading someone else’s social space pointing fingers at what’s wrong with them. It’s called respect. It’s also called empathy. Something I don’t see being practised as often. This is the last of the series of images for this swimsuit. I am so done with the whole Instagram hoopla. I don’t want to revisit it, don’t want to talk about it. I’m all talked out about it! Cheers to what lies ahead. May we have the strength to plough through adulting lol #plussize #psblogger #plussizeswimwear #fatshion #fashionblogger #igsg #southasian #celebratemysize #swimsuitsforall

A photo posted by Aarti Olivia Dubey (@curvesbecomeher) on Jun 5, 2016 at 9:08am PDT

Fat girls can’t be happy. They can’t be fashionable. They shouldn’t embrace themselves. They should be ashamed of their big bodies. They should do something about it. They’re glorifying unhealthiness. At least if you’re fat don’t have ugly cellulite or a big belly or flabby arms or a double chin or an uneven pair of breasts. Why the hell would I listen to that hogwash? Who asked you to be the judge of me? What do you know about me? Why am I only here for your objectification or approval? These are some of the things I wrote about in the blog post. Nobody has the authority to preside over any body and act superior or give ‘concern’. No. You don’t have that right over personal autonomy. #woc #fatacceptance #nobodyshame #losehatenotweight #psblogger #plussize #plussizeswimwear #fuckfatphobia #effyourbeautystandards #fatshion #fashionblogger #intersectionalfeminism #igsg #southasian #plussizesg #curvesinasia #singaporean #indian #swimsuitsforall

A photo posted by Aarti Olivia Dubey (@curvesbecomeher) on Jun 4, 2016 at 11:50pm PDT

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