Nuo spuogų kenčianti mergina daro tai

Nuo spuogų kenčianti mergina daro tai, kas stulbina (FOTO)


Kylie Jenner atrado merginą, kuri daro fantastiškus makiažus, nors pačios oda kenčia nuo aknės. Įkvėpimo vertas pavyzdys!

Garsioji Kylie Jenner savo “Instagram” profilyje giria grožio tinklaraštininkę Em Ford. Jos tinklaraštis “My Pale Skin” kasdien auga lyg ant mielių, gerbėjus žavi ne tik Em drąsa parodyti savo probleminę odą, bet ir merginos makiažo gabumai. Em oda nusėta spuogų, tačiau peržvelgus į jos kurto makiažo nuotraukas nė neįtartum, kad mergina turi rimtą aknę.

Hey there! 🙋 I just wanted to take a moment and say Hi to new friends and old! 👭 Firstly, a huge Thank You 🙌 to the gorgeous @kyliejenner for asking me to be a part of her #IAmMoreThan campaign. Kylie is so sweet and kind 💑, and genuinely cares about this campaign. She is such a beautiful intelligent girl who wants to use her platform for good 💗. It was so lovely to get to know her, and chat all things makeup, beauty, skin and family 💅💄👯. Also a big thank you 😘💕 to You guys for joining me and supporting! 👭👬 – you’re awesome! I’m doing my best to read through all your messages, comments, emails etc. #IAmMoreThan my acne. Speak your mind even if your voice shakes and never let anyone bully you into silence. Xx

A photo posted by Em Ford (@mypaleskinblog) on

💁 🎉 NEW VIDEO ALERT! #acnecoverage dark smokey eye look Full length 🎥 video on my youtube channel! Link in bio ☺️ or head to Eyebrows: @anastasiabeverlyhills DipBrow in taupe/ soft brown Eyeshadow: @anastasiabeverlyhills shadow couture palette – Morocco, fudge, noir, pink champagne & @makeuprevolution single shadow in touch me. Eyeliner: Avon supershock gel liner Lashes: @houseoflashes siren lashes Shadow guards: @shadowshields Foundation: @pixibeauty h20 skin tint Concealer: @kryolanofficial dermacolour in d1w & d4 / la girl pro concealer in porcelain Contour: @illamasqua hollow pigment & @crownbrushuk 10 colour contour palette Lipstick: @gerardcosmetics 1995 lipstick 😘💕 p.s you are still beautiful without wearing any of these things!

A video posted by Em Ford (@mypaleskinblog) on

Let’s do this autumn 🍂🍁🌹🌰 False Lashes: @houseoflashes Siren lashes (so obsessed with these right now) Lipstick: @anastasiabeverlyhills vintage liquid lipstick. Foundation: @pixibeauty h20 skin tint Concealer: @kryolanofficial dermacolour in d4, d1w &d406 Brows: @anastasiabeverlyhills DipBrow pomade in soft brown Eyeshadows: @thebalm_cosmetics (can’t remember which, so will update later )

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Viena svarbiausių žinių, kurią Em perduoda savo skaitytojams – pasitikėjimas savimi, nesvarbu, kaip atrodytum. Pasak merginos, gražūs yra visi – tobulos odos, spuoguotos, randuotos ar turintys kitų problemų. Svarbiausia savimi pasitikėti, tikėti savo jėgomis ir nesileisti užgauliojamam. Savo makiažo filmukais ji pataria, kaip rūpintis oda, jei šią vargina aknė, kaip susikurti tobulą dieninį, vakarinį ar naujausias tendencijas atspindintį makiažą.

Sunkissed Barbie inspired look. #beforeandafter 👙👚👛💅👸 🌸 foundation: @narsissist sheer glow / @maccosmetics mineralise foundation. 🌸 Contour: @anastasiabeverlyhills cream contour kit in light, set with the powder contour kit (banana & fawn) 🌸 Lashes: @ardell_lashes wispies. 🌸Lipstick: @anastasiabeverlyhills liquid lipstick – bambi and party pink mixed together. 🌸 Earrings: @primark

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#beforeandafter Glamorous Golden makeup look! 😘💕 💛 Foundation @narsissist sheer glow. 💛 Concealer: @collectionlove lasting perfection and @narsissist radiant creamy concealer. 💛 Brows: @anastasiabeverlyhills brow wiz in taupe and DipBrow in medium brown. 💛 Eyeshadow: @makeuprevolution iconic 2 palette / what you waiting for palette and @illamasqua vulgar eyeshadow as transition. 💛 Lips: @anastasiabeverlyhills lipgloss in neon apple. 💙💚💛💜 hope you’re all having a lovely weekend! I’m about to film some new makeup looks! Xxx

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Perfection: a 10 letter word that shouldn’t exist, because it’s not real. 💖 Full tutorial for this date night makeup look on my youtube channel!! Link in bio or search ‘mypaleskinblog’ 😘💕 💙foundation: @nyxcosmetics hd studio photogenic foundation 💙 concealer: @collectionlove lasting perfection, @narsissist radiant creamy concealer, l’oreal perfect match- ivory. 💙 contour: @nyxcosmetics taupe blusher 💙 highlight: @mememecosmetics beat the blues – pearl pink. 💙 Eyebrows: @anastasiabeverlyhills DipBrow pomade in medium brown. 💙 Lip: @soapandglory bashful glossy stick and @mememecosmetics light me up lipgloss. 💙💚💛💜 P.S So many armchair dermatologists on IG these days, remind me where you trained again?😂 #mypaleskinblog

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