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Manote, tai paprastos merginos? Nematėte jų visu ūgiu (FOTO)

O, kiek daug merginų susiduria su problema auginant plaukus – daugeliui jų, kad ir kaip stengtųsi, plaukai sustoja augę ties pečių linija. Yra ir kita merginų dalis – ilgakasės, kurioms, regis, plaukai kiekvieną naktį paauga po kelis centimetrus.

Žinoma, jokio stebuklingo metodo auginant plaukus nėra – viską lemia genetika ir atidi plaukų priežiūra. Nemažai jaunųjų damų plaukus augina siekdamos titulų ilgiausių plaukų konkursuose, kitos plaukų auginimą traktuoja kaip smagų laisvalaikio praleidimo būdą. Tiesa, kiek tokiame plaukų auginimo iššūkyje smagybių, nežinia. Instagramo anketa Long Hair Insipiration pilna ilgakasių nuotraukų, po kuriomis nestinga ne tik susižavėjimo šūksnių, bet ir klausimų – kaip įmanoma neapsisunkinant savęs prižiūrėti tokius ilgus bei vešlius plaukus?

Tokių plaukų priežiūra reikalauja ne tik kokybiškų plaukų priežiūros priemonių, bet ir daugybės laiko ir atidumo. Pagalvokite, kiek užtrunka merginos, norėdamos plaukus sušukuoti nuo šaknų iki plaukų galiukų! Visgi ilgų plaukų mylėtojoms tokia veikla nėra sudėtinga – priešingai, jos mėgaujasi ilgomis kasomis, o tokių plaukų priežiūra joms yra vienas malonumas. Kaip ir aplinkinių reakcijos, pamačius ilgaplaukes gatvėje.

Daugelis ilgakasių – moksleivės, studentės, arba merginos, dirbančios grožio srityje, mat kitose sferose tokie ilgi plaukai paprasčiausiai nėra pageidaujami, žinoma, jei mergina propaguoja palaidų plaukų šukuosenas. Belieka tik pasigerėti ir pasidžiaugti ilgų plaukų savininkių motyvacija – kažin, ar ja pasižymėtų net valingiausiomis save vadinančios asmenybės!

⭐️The right time!⭐️ 💁🏼 @lianne22 🔹The trend of having very long hair has gotten so big, and it is still growing rapidly! You can’t open Facebook or Instagram these days without seeing a long bundrop, or generally very long hair, so NOW is the right time to grow your hair to amazing lengths!😃🎉 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #allmodernhair #instahair #hairporn #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #girls #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #superlonghair #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #model #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #realrapunzels #love #beautiful

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on Feb 9, 2017 at 11:08pm PST

⭐️Fit in everywhere⭐️ 💁🏼 @_annet_999 🔹Very long hair will fit you, and very long hair will fit in wherever you are, and you can make so many different hairstyles, wheter you choose to go to a party, work, exercising, shopping, whatever you are doing!😃 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #allmodernhair #instahair #hairporn #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #girls #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #superlonghair #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #model #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #realrapunzels #love #beautiful

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on Feb 5, 2017 at 12:16am PST

⭐️Energy flows where attention goes⭐️ 💁🏼 @missxsunya 🔹A great repost from the amazing @missxsunya : Imagine that you are looking at a picture – thousands of little squares of all the colors possible – red, yellow, blue, green, black, white etc. 🅰️⏹✅✴️◼️◻️🅿️ They all make this huge colorful mosaic.
Now you have to focus only on the black ones ◼️
Every row, that your eyes are browsing through , you find black squares.
You look through all the mosaic , all you see is a black square here, another black square there and so on. After a while you don’t even notice, which other colors are presented on the picture, you specifically look for black squares , and all you see – is black ones, no other squares even exist to you anymore. You FOCUS on black , and that’s all you see.
And now, let’s see, what you do in your real life:
👉🏻 if you focus on the negativity, that is all you see everywhere; 👉🏻if you focus on failures, you don’t see success; 👉🏻if you focus only on bad things, that had happened to you, you don’t notice all the good things, that are present in your life. /react-text 
How do you change it ? /react-text 
Focus on the right things, focus on positive, and your life will change entirely 👊🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #allmodernhair #instahair #hairporn #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #girls #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #superlonghair #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #model #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #realrapunzels #love #beautiful

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on Jan 14, 2017 at 9:31am PST

⭐️Very long hair will fit you!⭐️ 💁🏼 @vikituks 🔹Even if you have had short or medium length hair all your life, very long hair will always fit you, though you might not believe it right now. Grow it long!😃 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #allmodernhair #instahair #hairporn #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #girls #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #superlonghair #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #model #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #realrapunzels #love #beautiful

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on Nov 30, 2016 at 1:41pm PST

⭐️Long hair care⭐️ 💁🏼 @ Unknown 🔹Long hair care is very important if you want long, luscious hair. You have to treat it very good, be gentle with it, use oils, and have a healthy diet and lifestyle each day, then your hair will be superhealthy and very long!😃🍌🍏🍉 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #allmodernhair #sexiesthair #instahair #hairporn #haare #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #hairlong #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #superlonghair #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #realpassionforfashion #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #realrapunzels

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on Nov 6, 2016 at 2:55pm PST

⭐️Passion⭐️ 💁🏼 @dashik_gubanova 🔹This Instagram account and RealRapunzels started out of a very strong passion for very lonf and beautiful hair! Find your passion and create the life you want to live!😃 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #hairfashion #instahair #hairporn #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #girls #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #hairdo #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #model #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #socialenvy #love #beautiful

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on Apr 27, 2017 at 9:12am PDT

⭐️Amazing!⭐️ 💁🏼 @lianne22 🔹The very long hair movement is so amazing! It has gotten so extremely big and we are constantly seeing it in the news and media! This is an amazing picture of one of our great models, Lianne, which has been featured in some of the biggest news organizations in UK!😊 @realrapunzels @girlslonghair #hairfashion #instahair #hairporn #sexyhair #healthyhair #hairgoals #hairinspiration #girls #thickhair #rapunzelhair #verylonghair #hairdo #blondies #blondegirl #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #brunettes #braidedhair #braids #beauty #hairstyle #hair #hairinspo #model #hairideas #longhair #girlslonghair #socialenvy #love #beautiful

A post shared by Long Hair inspiration! (@girlslonghair) on May 16, 2017 at 2:42am PDT

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