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Netobulumus demonstruojančios merginos: „Mums gražus kiekvienas kūno centimetras“

Netobulumus demonstruojančios merginos: „Mums gražus kiekvienas kūno centimetras“

Apvalių formų manekenės Iskros Lawrence inspiruotas Instagramo tinklo judėjimas su žyma #everybodyisbeautiful įgauna pagreitį.

Merginos iš viso pasaulio viešina nuotraukas su žinia, jog kiekvienas kūnas ir unikalus bei vertas pasigerėjimo. Jos drąsiai demonstruoja savo taip vadinamus trūkumus – strijas, celiulitą ar pilnesnį pilvuką. Šia žyma užtaggintos nuotraukos reiškia viena – gana garbinti nudailintas bei nuretušuotas fotografijas, kuriuose merginos vaizduojamos perdėtai lieknos.

Atvirumo nebijančios merginos kiekvieną dieną Instagramo tinkle viešina nuotraukas, kuriuose matyti tai, kas kitus gali sugluminti ar net šokiruoti. Tiesa, merginos jau pripratusios prie piktų komentarų ir įžeidinėjimų – itin intensyviai reiškiasi heiteriai, kurie, deja, neaplenkia ir šių merginų Instagramo paskyrų.

Mums šios merginos – savotiškos didvyrės, kurioms negalioja jokie stereotipai. Pažvelk į šias nuostabias merginas!

✨#rg @khal_essie✨”Breaking news gals and guys, it turns out you don’t have to be ripped af to be healthy, respected, loved, and capable of self worth.”🙌🙌🙌

A photo posted by The Strut (@thestrutbymic) on Jan 29, 2017 at 9:01am PST

her body is body goal. i’m so proud of her🌹 . . , , #iskralawrence #iskrasarmy #everyBODYisbeautiful

A photo posted by sparky✨ (@iskrasarmy) on Jan 29, 2017 at 2:09am PST

HAVING A HAPPY DAYYYY 🎉🎉🎉 ⭐️ Had the best convo with my soul sister @jenbretty ⭐️ Spoke about some dope shit at the Drake today in Toronto (kudos to them for always being on the progressive forefront) @thedrakehotel ⭐️ Going for Ethiopian food with @tinybladesproject (be jealous) ⭐️ GOING DANCING (likeeee 😍😍😍😍) Overall today has been fucking amazing and I’m so stoked on my life right now!!!! Jen and I both also spoke about how incredible it is to have freedom to eat whatever we want, whenever we want. If that’s a salad, great. If that’s a pizza, great. If it’s a vanilla soy latte (my fav and her fav lolol), GET IT AND LOVE IT. Health to YOU is what YOU make it (⭐️ health is also intersectional and privilege to choose is a factor ⭐️) So needless to say, I’m stoked for food and human interactions. (Big fuck you to the disorders that took that away from me for so long!!) LIVE YOUR DAMN LIFE! #iamsohappy #beyourownkindofbeautiful #livethelifeyoulove 💞💞💞💞

A photo posted by Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee) on Jan 26, 2017 at 1:35pm PST

Hello friends! 2016 was a very negative year for me, but one of the best things I found was Body Positivity and all of the lovely people in the community. I have struggled with an eating disorder, I have struggled with a bad relationship with food, and I have struggled with self love. I learned that no matter what the number on the scale or the size on my pants, I am beautiful. I am worth it. I look amazing as a size 16 right now, and I looked amazing as a size 2 a few years ago. Beauty truly comes out when you love yourself, and it’s a wonderful feeling. Shout out to my amazing friend @nourishandeat for giving me the courage to post. I hope to share more of my story with you guys; thanks for reading. 🌈💕 #BodyPositive #BodyPosi #BodyPositivity #EmbraceTheSquish #LoveYourself #EveryBodyIsBeautiful #MyThighsTouch #BoPo #EffYourBeautyStandards #StomachFat #LoveHandles

A photo posted by Juliana (@julesjunebug) on Jan 29, 2017 at 12:23pm PST

What the world needs is more leaders like @amandabuccifit. While she may have drawn in 375k followers with her fit, strong, beautiful body, she pulled me in with her pure heart. It took one day to know we would forever be friends and when I shared my vision #iammorethanproject and she said a quick yes without hesitation. I knew she was the real deal, her focus was on impact, on inspiration. She really, actually did wake up like this after a night of pillow talk. Zero make up, no retouching, no tricky posing, or covering up. This is her and she is freaking beautiful. Loving the skin you’re in is a lifetime project but I know one thing for sure: we need to be reminded that real trumps retouched and that inspiring others is more important than being perfect. To me? This girl is wildly stunning! The world needs more of this. Tag someone below to spread body positivity! The world won’t change unless we do! Love the skin you’re in. 🙌🏻🙋🏼👙#realnotretouched #aeriereal

A photo posted by JENNA KUTCHER (@jennakutcher) on Jan 29, 2017 at 2:15pm PST

Il y a 1,5 ans malheureuse dans ma vie et dans mon corps – [suite 3 posts précédents] . J’ai décidé d’entreprendre une énième période de régime, avec le sport et instagram en plus cette fois 💪🏻 . Je m’y plonge à corps perdu, 66kilos en septembre 2015, je voulais en perdre 10, après 4mois de bataille j’en avais pris 2 😳 . Mais ces 4 mois m’ont surtout appris à me servir de mon corps, pour soulever de la fonte et pour courir 🏋🏻 . À transpirée, à être moche et m’en foutre après chaque séance, ils m’ont appris à être humble, me sentir faible mais l’accepter pour devenir plus forte 🙏🏻 . J’ai appris à croire en moi 🌈 . C’est à ce moment là que tout à commencé avec vous 💞j’ai trouvé sur instagram le seul refuge qu’il me manquait pour être moi même, me livrer avec sincérité et avancer sans faux semblants 🙏🏻 . Je pensais qu’en m’exposant on rirait de moi, qu’ici c’était le royaume du fake, que je serais jugée de manière objective et que ça me motiverais à changer 😳 . Mais je n’ai trouvé personne pour me mettre plus bas que terre, j’ai trouvé des êtres aussi perdu que moi mais plein d’amour, j’ai été soutenu, encouragée et aimée malgré mes imperfections ❤ . Des êtres plus beaux que moi, plus brisés que moi, des êtres plus seuls encore, plus fort, plus intelligents, plus heureux, il y avait de tout, mais il y avait surtout une grande bienveillance 🙏🏻 . Alors oui c’était virtuel mais j’y ai cru 🌟 j’ai été assez folle pour vous laisser rythmer ma vie, les Morning Shape, les avant/après, les selfies, tout ces termes qui sonnent comme superficiel ont été synonyme pour moi de résurrection 💥 . [suite au prochain post] . Bonne semaine les fighters 💪🏻😘 . #bodypositivefighters #muscu #everybodyisbeautiful #regimeuse #newlife #fitfam #fitgirl #eatclean #bodychange #fattofit #workhard #fit #girlsgains #shesquats #shesquatsbro #strongissexy #gymtime #healthyliving #trainhard #musculation #onlacherien #reequilibragealimentaire #tbc #bbg #healthylifestyle #loveyourself #bodypositive #curvy #girlpower

A photo posted by Luciana 🇫🇷 Body positive (@me_versus_me_) on Jan 30, 2017 at 12:12am PST

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