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Dažna iš mūsų kompleksuojame dėl visiškų menkniekių: per plonos viršutinės lūpos, susitaršusių plaukų, per trumpų blakstienų, ant kaktos išdygusiu spuogeliu… Nesusimąstome, jog kažkur pasaulyje gyvena žmonės, kuriems kasdien tenka susidurti su kur kas rimtesniais kompleksais.

Vienas iš tokių žmonių – amerikietė Yulianna Yussef, kuri vaikystėje buvo pravardžiuojama karvute. Patyčios kilo ne todėl, jog mergina buvo apkūni, bet todėl, kad turi įgimtą ligą – didžiules pigmentines dėmes, matomas ant viso gražuolės kūno. Yulianna, būdama mažutė, iš pradžių nesuvokė ligos rimtumo, mat ant kūno buvo matomi vos keli apgamėliai, kurie intensyviai pradėjo plisti bręstant mergaitei.

Nors vaikystė ir paauglystė buvo kupina kompleksų, Yulianna šiandien teigia išaugusi kompleksų amžių, todėl drąsiai priima likimo jai suteiktus iššūkius. Mergina priklauso žinomai modelių agentūrai, sėkmingai modeliauja, keliauja po visą pasaulį ir skatina merginas tikėti savimi. Net įgimta liga, kuri kadaise kartino Yuliannai gyvenimą, nesustabdo merginos – ji džiaugiasi šiandien galėdama motyvuoti visas kompleksų turinčias merginas bei moteris.

Instagrame mergina veda savotišką dienoraštį – išlieja širdgėlą apie praeities nuoskaudas, ragina merginas nesusikaustyti, mylėti gyvenimą, sportuoti, sveikai maitintis ir džiaugtis kiekviena smulkmena. Ji taip pat aktyviai kovoja su heiteriais, kurie teigia, jog turint tokį kūną, jį derėtų ne demonstruoti, o slėpti. Tiesa, mergina dažniau susiduria su gerbėjais, o ne su piktuoliais. Štai kaip atrodo Yulianna:

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Well, I want to be honest with you and tell you a little bit more about how I actually physically live my life with birthmarks. My posts showcase how confident I am about my birthmarks, self acceptance and how I've learned to live with my giant Nevus. Here is “behind the scene” of the fancy posts.. . ☀️I should start from the hairs, this is a very BIG and annoying topic for anyone who has many birthmarks and specially a giant one..Sooo my back is actually fluffy ??‍♀? I can't do anything about that, and even more annoyingly, the hairs on the birthmarks all over my body are thicker and more dense than around the normal skin. We cant wax or shave them , or use removal creams ( because it could turn to melanoma ) and all I have heard from doctor is that I should cut them.. wait a second..CUT them?! Now you can imagine me ?.. it makes me sick .. Also there were lots of different situations when I really hated this "fluffy stuff". For example you might try to prepare your boyfriend that you have something unusual on your back .. but how do you explain that you are like a cute fluffy animal on touch?! ??‍♀ let alone the many awkward questions you get whilst at school or on the streets… . ☀️ “Does it hurt?”- you asking .. It’s itching is so f***ing bad that it just drives you crazy! Sometimes I literally want to scratch my skin off??‍♀ waking up at night because I can't control myself, scratching it which causes the birthmark to swells and forces me to get up and put cold compress on it. Sometimes I really feel like a ?. Just imagine some business meeting, of course I'm nervous, if I'm nervous it's itching a hundreds time more and my strength of will not to stretch myself ?? uuff… I am an adult now, I can control myself but children no, some scratch themselves till they draw blood at night. There is no solution besides growing up and learning how to control yourself. It's a part of our "difference" and we should learn to live with this. ☀️The last one for today is #Melanoma. ?????? #read below

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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Well, I want to be honest with you and tell you a little bit more about how I actually physically live my life with birthmarks. My posts showcase how confident I am about my birthmarks, self acceptance and how I’ve learned to live with my giant Nevus. Here is “behind the scene” of the fancy posts.. . ☀️I should start from the hairs, this is a very BIG and annoying topic for anyone who has many birthmarks and specially a giant one..Sooo my back is actually fluffy ??‍♀? I can’t do anything about that, and even more annoyingly, the hairs on the birthmarks all over my body are thicker and more dense than around the normal skin. We cant wax or shave them , or use removal creams ( because it could turn to melanoma ) and all I have heard from doctor is that I should cut them.. wait a second..CUT them?! Now you can imagine me ?.. it makes me sick .. Also there were lots of different situations when I really hated this “fluffy stuff”. For example you might try to prepare your boyfriend that you have something unusual on your back .. but how do you explain that you are like a cute fluffy animal on touch?! ??‍♀ let alone the many awkward questions you get whilst at school or on the streets… . ☀️ “Does it hurt?”- you asking .. It’s itching is so f***ing bad that it just drives you crazy! Sometimes I literally want to scratch my skin off??‍♀ waking up at night because I can’t control myself, scratching it which causes the birthmark to swells and forces me to get up and put cold compress on it. Sometimes I really feel like a ?. Just imagine some business meeting, of course I’m nervous, if I’m nervous it’s itching a hundreds time more and my strength of will not to stretch myself ?? uuff… I am an adult now, I can control myself but children no, some scratch themselves till they draw blood at night. There is no solution besides growing up and learning how to control yourself. It’s a part of our “difference” and we should learn to live with this. ☀️The last one for today is #Melanoma. ?????? #read below

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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Woke up today, walked with the dog, ate breakfast, turned on computer and noticed at the right corner alarm “HAPPY BIRTHDAY ( tomorrow)”. ? . My computer reminding me about my birthday ?. But actually I have been thinking about this day for a while. Tomorrow I’m turning 25yo and i feel like it’s a first important date/age. Of course you think that 16/18 yo it’s a something, but still when you are 16-24 you( I) feel like you could do a mistakes, you could be silly , because “adults” will say “ oh she/he is still so young , she /he will grow up and learn everything” ?. . These days I felt a lot of different feelings, I was sad, self- pity, angry, happy, literally my emotions was jumping from up to down and back a few times per day.? I was thinking about past years, what I have learned, what I did, where I was and where I am now. Analyzed whom I was and who I am. I’m happy because I know for sure that I’m turning my 25 and I have my life, I have a nice apartment, work that doesn’t make me sit at the office 5 days per week, traveling, I have a dog ( unexpectedly it was, but I adore him and can’t imagine my life without him now), I have a very few friends but I believe that they not my friends but my family, we could talk once in a while but I know that they always there for me, I have my family, my Ukrainian family and my Lebanese family and words couldn’t describe how much I love them and appreciate all the seconds im with them.♥️. As I said at my previous post it’s not that easy to live with the CMN and my instagram ( or anyone’s inst) doesn’t show all the challenges of everyday and sometimes if be honest I could forget to appreciate and enjoy my life. Sometimes I could forget how sunshine I was and how lucky I felt when I was younger ?. But I really want to wish and promise myself to be more smart, patient, understanding, kind , thankful and more involved with everything that life giving me. ♥️?. New year for me, new stage, let’s begin. From tomorrow. Let the sun shine☀️?. #perfectionofmyskin #inmyskinwin #motivation #inspiration #bodygoals #unique #bodypositive #talk #lifestory #beautiful #girl #photo #morning #goodmorning #happy

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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Woke up today, walked with the dog, ate breakfast, turned on computer and noticed at the right corner alarm “HAPPY BIRTHDAY ( tomorrow)”. ? . My computer reminding me about my birthday ?. But actually I have been thinking about this day for a while. Tomorrow I’m turning 25yo and i feel like it’s a first important date/age. Of course you think that 16/18 yo it’s a something, but still when you are 16-24 you( I) feel like you could do a mistakes, you could be silly , because “adults” will say “ oh she/he is still so young , she /he will grow up and learn everything” ?. . These days I felt a lot of different feelings, I was sad, self- pity, angry, happy, literally my emotions was jumping from up to down and back a few times per day.? I was thinking about past years, what I have learned, what I did, where I was and where I am now. Analyzed whom I was and who I am. I’m happy because I know for sure that I’m turning my 25 and I have my life, I have a nice apartment, work that doesn’t make me sit at the office 5 days per week, traveling, I have a dog ( unexpectedly it was, but I adore him and can’t imagine my life without him now), I have a very few friends but I believe that they not my friends but my family, we could talk once in a while but I know that they always there for me, I have my family, my Ukrainian family and my Lebanese family and words couldn’t describe how much I love them and appreciate all the seconds im with them.♥️. As I said at my previous post it’s not that easy to live with the CMN and my instagram ( or anyone’s inst) doesn’t show all the challenges of everyday and sometimes if be honest I could forget to appreciate and enjoy my life. Sometimes I could forget how sunshine I was and how lucky I felt when I was younger ?. But I really want to wish and promise myself to be more smart, patient, understanding, kind , thankful and more involved with everything that life giving me. ♥️?. New year for me, new stage, let’s begin. From tomorrow. Let the sun shine☀️?. #perfectionofmyskin #inmyskinwin #motivation #inspiration #bodygoals #unique #bodypositive #talk #lifestory #beautiful #girl #photo #morning #goodmorning #happy

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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On my social media feed I try to post fancy photos that showcase how confident I am about my birthmarks, self acceptance and how I've learned to live with my giant Nevus. But I want to be honest with you and tell you a little bit more about how I actually physically feel and give you some more information about birthmarks. Starting with the hairs, this is a very big and annoying topic for anyone who has many birthmarks and specially a giant one?.Sooo my back is actually fluffy ??‍♀? I can't do anything about that, and even more annoyingly, the hairs on the birthmarks all over my body are thicker and more dense than around the normal skin. We cant wax or shave them and all I have heard from doctor is that I should cut them.. wait a second..CUT them?! Now you can imagine me ? ( for those who are interested I do wax around the birthmark only and that is my own personal risk and I wouldn’t ask anyone to follow my example. Also there were lots of different situations when I really hated this "fluffy stuff". For example you might try to prepare your boyfriend that you have something unusual on your back .. but how do you explain that you are like ? ( fluffy)on touch?! ??‍♀ let alone the many awkward questions you get whilst at school or on the beach… Next- The itching is so f***ing bad that it just drives you crazy! Sometimes I literally want to scratch my skin off??‍♀ waking up at night because I can't control myself, scratching it which causes the birthmark to swells and forces me to get up and put cold compress on it. Sometimes I really feel like a ?. Just imagine some business meeting, of course I'm nervous, if I'm nervous it's itching a hundreds time more and my strength of will not to stretch myself ?? uuff… I am an adult I now can control myself but children no, some scratch themselves till they draw blood at night. There is no solution besides growing up and learning how to control yourself. It's a part of our "difference" and we should learn to live with this. The last one for today is Melanoma. Skin cancer. Anyone could develop skin cancer because of one birthmark. But we have a hundreds of them! ??????

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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On my social media feed I try to post fancy photos that showcase how confident I am about my birthmarks, self acceptance and how I’ve learned to live with my giant Nevus. But I want to be honest with you and tell you a little bit more about how I actually physically feel and give you some more information about birthmarks. Starting with the hairs, this is a very big and annoying topic for anyone who has many birthmarks and specially a giant one?.Sooo my back is actually fluffy ??‍♀? I can’t do anything about that, and even more annoyingly, the hairs on the birthmarks all over my body are thicker and more dense than around the normal skin. We cant wax or shave them and all I have heard from doctor is that I should cut them.. wait a second..CUT them?! Now you can imagine me ? ( for those who are interested I do wax around the birthmark only and that is my own personal risk and I wouldn’t ask anyone to follow my example. Also there were lots of different situations when I really hated this “fluffy stuff”. For example you might try to prepare your boyfriend that you have something unusual on your back .. but how do you explain that you are like ? ( fluffy)on touch?! ??‍♀ let alone the many awkward questions you get whilst at school or on the beach… Next- The itching is so f***ing bad that it just drives you crazy! Sometimes I literally want to scratch my skin off??‍♀ waking up at night because I can’t control myself, scratching it which causes the birthmark to swells and forces me to get up and put cold compress on it. Sometimes I really feel like a ?. Just imagine some business meeting, of course I’m nervous, if I’m nervous it’s itching a hundreds time more and my strength of will not to stretch myself ?? uuff… I am an adult I now can control myself but children no, some scratch themselves till they draw blood at night. There is no solution besides growing up and learning how to control yourself. It’s a part of our “difference” and we should learn to live with this. The last one for today is Melanoma. Skin cancer. Anyone could develop skin cancer because of one birthmark. But we have a hundreds of them! ??????

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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I love sport and all this sportive outfits , there are so many brands now, that everyone could find something nice for themselves? Of course at the gym I couldn't wear just top and shorts because of small space and I don't want to make people around feel uncomfortable with me ? as you remember all this "jumping " thoughts ? And what kind of sport do you prefer more? What about tennis? Should I try ??? ( for those who curious about my skin condition, pls read my previous posts) #perfectionofmyskin #inmyskiniwin #bodypositive #inspiration #motivation #justdoit #trainlikeanangel #sport #bodygoals #beautiful #girl #travel #vacation #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #photo #photography #ocean #seaside #tbt #follow #me

A post shared by Yulianna Yussef (@yulianna.yussef) on

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I love sport and all this sportive outfits , there are so many brands now, that everyone could find something nice for themselves? Of course at the gym I couldn’t wear just top and shorts because of small space and I don’t want to make people around feel uncomfortable with me ? as you remember all this “jumping ” thoughts ? And what kind of sport do you prefer more? What about tennis? Should I try ??? ( for those who curious about my skin condition, pls read my previous posts) #perfectionofmyskin #inmyskiniwin #bodypositive #inspiration #motivation #justdoit #trainlikeanangel #sport #bodygoals #beautiful #girl #travel #vacation #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #photo #photography #ocean #seaside #tbt #follow #me

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stop comparing yourself to others. Always strive to improve yourself to become better today than you were yesterday ☝?️ #photo : @yaryna_pochtarenko #mua : @tarjamakeup #bareyourbirthmark #ootd #lookbook #style #khaki #photography #makeup

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stop comparing yourself to others. Always strive to improve yourself to become better today than you were yesterday ☝?️ #photo : @yaryna_pochtarenko #mua : @tarjamakeup #bareyourbirthmark #ootd #lookbook #style #khaki #photography #makeup

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I am who I am, I am who I want to be. My skin does not define me as a person. My skin is not an excuse to condemn me. And my skin is not a reason to judge me. My skin is my friend and enemy, this is my challenge and my fortress. And I'm learning to live in my skin every day. #perfectionofmyskin #bareyourbirthmark #inmyskiniwin #cmn #birthmark #bornthisway #gowiththeflow #confidence #selflove #selfcare #selfesteem #bodypositive #bodygoals #different #skin #life #story #beautiful #body #photo #tbt #followme

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