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Tai šokiruoja: norėjo tapti panaši į žvaigždę

Tai šokiruoja: norėjo tapti panaši į žvaigždę, o tapo pajuokos objektu (FOTO)

Noras būti panašiomis į žvaigždes kartais gali baigtis liūdnai. Būtent taip nutiko iš Didžiosios Britanijos kilusiai dvidešimt ketverių merų merginai, kuri būdama Tailande nusprendė atlikti populiarią lūpų putlinimo operaciją.

Gražuolė blondinė Amelia Greville , kuri Tailande jau keletą metų dirba mokytoja, jau senokai buvo sužavėta putlių įžymybių lūpų, tokių, kaip, pavyzdžiui, realybės šou žvaigždutės Kylie Jenner.

Galiausiai mergina ryžosi pokyčiams. Susiradusi vietinę kliniką ji nusprendė atilikti lūpų korekcijos opraciją, kainuojančia vos 50 svarų. „Ir pigu, ir dailu“, – tikriausiai pamanė ji. Pora mėnesių mergina džiaugėsi lūpų putlinimo operacija, kuri taip pat yra atliekama garsiąjai Kylie. Vis dėlto po kiek laiko ji pastebėjo, jog jos lūpos pradėjo tinti, o ant jų atsirado dideli, gąsdinantys šašai.

Persigandusi mergina kreipėsi į kliniką, tačiau jos atstovai pareiškė, jog jie savo darbą atliko ir į lūpas įšvirkštė haliurono, kuris ir putlina lūpas. Vis dėlto mergina mano, jog jai į lūpas buvo suleistas silikonas, kuris ir sukėlė tokius baisius padarinius.

Dėl nesėkmingai susiklosčiusios operacijos ji net išsiskyrė su vaikinu, mat keletą savaičių ji negalėjo išeiti iš namų! Šiuo metu mergina įkūrė specialų fondą ir renka pinigus kitai operacijai, kuri padėtų jai atgauti įprastą lūpų formą.

Šokiruojančias nuotraukas rasi ČIA ir ČIA.

Štai kaip Amelia atrodė prieš kraupiai pasibaigusią lūpų putlinimo operaciją. Ir kokia prasmė buvo lūpas storinti injekcijomis?

One of my gifts from the Bangkok Farmers Market for winning the vegetarian recipe competition 😃 Eating a plant based diet has done wonders for my skin and hair, but for me it’s not enough to keep them both completely under control. I still have oily, comedone acne prone skin, and naturally dry brittle hair. But this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 Jojoba oil, is my skin saviour!!! I used all sorts of different moisturisers over the years, ones that were better suited to oily skin, oil free ones, acne fighting ones… And my skin just got progressively worse. When I went vegan and started seeing all the health benefits that came with just eating a more natural healthy diet, I realised that my skin and hair care routine also needed to be more natural. I threw away every cleanser, toner, spot cream and moisturiser I had. At first I tried coconut oil.. But this didn’t agree with my face. It felt really heavy and I later found out it has a very high comedogenic rating! Which means it clogs the pores and for susceptible people will cause comedogenic acne. After doing a bit of research I stumbled across Jojoba oil. It’s naturally completely non-comedogenic, so it clogs your pores in NO way. It’s almost the same consistency as the skins natural sebum, as it’s actually a wax, not an oil. It’s light and non greasy, absorbs into my skin immediately. I just love it. This is my second bottle of it, I use it at least once a day but try to use it morning and evening. It deeply hydrates the skin whilst also naturally fighting acne – jojoba is so antibacterial that it is strong enough to kill mildew! Seriously, if you’re looking for a new moisturiser / acne fighter, try jojoba oil! 😃💚 (and make sure you get organic!) ((P.s I’m wearing NO makeup in this photo. This is my natural skin!))

A photo posted by Amelia • 23 • Vegan 🌱 (@foodievagabond) on Oct 24, 2015 at 4:31am PDT

☀️🍌🙏🍌💚🙏🍌🙏☀️ good morning! Starting my day off right with a nommy banana smoothie. 😁🍌 so I’m doing “banana island” at the moment, but doing it MY way! #foodievagabond style! ✌️ I think it’s incredibly important to learn from others, but adapt for yourself; all our bodies are different and what works for someone else may not work for you! ☝️ for those who don’t know what “banana island” is, it’s where you JUST eat bananas for a period of time. They’re easy to digest and it gives your digestive system a rest, which equals more energy and more cell repair in your body. 👍 I’m having my bananas either as smoothies or as nicecream- im not adding any nasty shit (sugar etc) just spices that are healing such as cinnamon, and soy milk because it agrees with my body so much! (Regulates my hormones!) THEN I’m taking a once daily trip to “whatever-I-want-that’s-protein-rich-island” 🚣 in the form of a regular solid meal – normally rice and tofu with some veggies! I’m still weight training like a BAWSE so I need the energy and protein 💪 Im 4 days in and LOVING it so much, I feel like I could live on banana island forever 🍌☀️⛵️ woooooohoooooo! Its almost hump day people 😉 have a beautiful Tuesday! 😘💚😘💚😘 #blondie #veganathlete

A photo posted by Amelia • 23 • Vegan 🌱 (@foodievagabond) on Mar 30, 2015 at 7:50pm PDT

#amazing weekend, now back in my tent, #safe from the mozzies! #thailand #tefl #travelling #traveller #happy #homesweethome #smile #blonde #hair #me #selfie #natural 😁✌️

A photo posted by Amelia • 23 • Vegan 🌱 (@foodievagabond) on Dec 1, 2013 at 4:47am PST

Left my hair down and natural for once! #selfie #blonde #wavy #natural #hair #procrastinating

A photo posted by Amelia • 23 • Vegan 🌱 (@foodievagabond) on May 24, 2013 at 6:17am PDT

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