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Populiarėjanti šukuosenų mada daugeliui kelia juoką

Populiarėjanti šukuosenų mada daugeliui kelia juoką

Pasakų pasaulis traukia ne tik čia vykstančiais stebuklais, bet ir mistiniais gyventojais. Vienas populiariausių gyvių – paslaptingasis vienaragis.

Prieš kurį laiką Instagramą užplūdo nuotraukos, kuriose merginos demonstruoja pasteliniais atspalviais margintus plaukus. Populiariausi rausvi, melsvi, švelnūs violetiniai ir romantišką saulėlydį atkartojantys pustonių deriniai. Ši paplitusi plaukų dažymo technika buvo įvardyta kaip vienaragių tendencijaunicorn hair. Tačiau šiandien vienaragiai interpretuojami tiesmukai, naujoves gaudančios merginos pasidavė drąsesnei šukuosenų madai.

🦄😻🦄🦄🦄🦄 #roleplay #openrp #bestfriendsforlife #unicorntribe #unicorn #unicornbabies #briteorganix

A photo posted by Karmen Victoria Purdy (@sweetdrecmss) on Feb 7, 2016 at 9:52am PST

Who inspires you?? I’m inspired by my friend @kelliannmason she does beautiful work!! check her out👌❤️ if your ever in Midland, Michigan be sure to go sit in her chair 🙌

A photo posted by JENNIE KAY (@jenniekaybeauty) on Feb 10, 2016 at 4:56pm PST

Madistės nusprendė išbandyti tiesioginį vienaragių įvaizdį – ant viršugalvio iš plaukų suformuoti vienaragio ragą. Kiekviena turi savo techniką: kas dedasi specialų karkasą, kas ragą suka iš supintų kasų, o kas tiesiog kelia plaukus viršun ir negaili plaukų lako. Ką manai – prigis ar atkris ši mada?

Для всех, кому в жизни не хватает волшебства — новый сказочный тренд #unicornhair!🦄🦄🦄 Прически-единорожки от красивых девушек всего мира — приятного просмотра!😜 А завтра пятница, и это тоже волшебно🦄🌈🔮

A photo posted by LabelUP (@labelup.ru) on Feb 11, 2016 at 2:04am PST

#Unicorn horns are the next crazy #hairtrend according to @cosmopolitan. Unicorn hair used to mean that you dyed your hair in cotton candy-colored hues. But now, girls are wearing #UnicornHair in a literal sense. Here’s an example of this magical style! #regram @josh_congreve

A photo posted by FAB Beauty Official (@_fab_official) on Feb 11, 2016 at 3:26am PST

Broken crayons still color- Stained glass Unicorn I want to start by saying thank you for inspiring me and sharing your love of art with all of us. I want to be part of the Unicorn Tribe because I share the same passion and excitement as the community you have created. We love what we do, and see the world as a colorful beautiful place, just like the people in it. I have been part of this industry since I was 16 starting as a towel girl. I have been blessed to work as an educator, full time stylist, education and creative director, HSN on air guest, and also own/develop two hair extension companies- @loxextensions and @loxstudio. This year was the toughest year for me due to unfortunate business relations. Although it almost broke my spirit, and there was a lot of doubt I would be ok, nothing would take away the love I have to create and share my passion. I was so excited to see the contest posted, because I am in such a better place this year compared to last surrounded by so many that inspire me. It was a perfect opportunity to challenge myself and express how happy I am inside. This is my 15th year in the industry and I would absolutely love and be honored to join the tribe. Thank you for all that you do! #modernsalon #newyearunicorns #unicorntribe #loxextensions #figosalon #pravana #beautybykirstyn #hairporn

A photo posted by Kirstyn Yanniello (@kirstyn_yanniello) on Dec 31, 2015 at 9:30am PST

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