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Nepatikėsi, ką ant savo veido tepa ši mergina, jog oda išliktų skaisti, be inkštirų (FOTO)

Lygi, skaisti, spindinti oda – kiekvienos merginos, susiduriančios su veido odos problemomis, svajonė. Ne kiekvienai gamta dovanoja lygią odą, kurios grožio negadina ne laiku iškilę inkštirai. Visgi kiekvienai merginai gamta dovanojo… mėnesines, kurios, pasirodo, gali būti kuo puikiausia prevencija nuo odos problemų!

Tiesa, daugeliui žinoma, jog priešmenstruaciniu ir menstruaciniu periodu moteriškosios lyties atstoves pradeda berti, tačiau kaip ten sakoma, kuo susirgai, tuo ir gydykis? Regis, šiuo posakiu vadovaujasi blogerė Jazmina Jade, kuri kiekvienų menstruacijų laukia norėdama atlikti grožio procedūrą ne su bet kuo, o su mėnesiniu krauju!

Skamba šlykščiai, atstumiančiai, o procedūra stokoja higienos normų? Jazmina siekia įrodyti, jog veido odos valymas savo pačios krauju ne tik padeda atsikratyti odos nelygumų, paskaistinti odą bei suteikti jai neįtikėtino spindesio, bet ir yra puiki prevencija norint užkirsti kelią spuogelių kilimui. Tiesa, vos Instagram tinkle patalpinusi nuotraukas, kuriuose mergina valo veidą krauju, ji susilaukė ne itin puikių vertinimų. Daugelis baisėjosi tokia grožio procedūra ir teigė, jog ši idėja prasilenkia su higieniškumu – juk mėnesinių kraujyje gausu bakterijų, kurios patenka per makšties ertmę, be to, kraujas turi specifinį kvapą, kuris toli gražu nėra maloniausias.

Na, ginčai ginčais, tačiau kas gali paneigti, jog Jazminos oda neatrodo pasakiškai? Nematyti nė menkiausio spuogelio! Be to, kaip teigia pati Jazmina, toks veido odos ritualas jai ne tik padeda išsaugoti grožį, bet ir nuramina, numalšina stresą, padeda jai susijungti su tikrąją savimi. Verta pabandyti tokią keistą procedūrą ar ignoruoti, pagalvok pati.

Sacred rituals are apart of my daily practice. They allow me to deeply connect within my body, lower stress and become more present.. 🌟❤️

A post shared by Yazmina (@yazmina.jade) on Jan 9, 2018 at 3:22pm PST

How do you view your monthly bleed?? I personally through my teenage years and early 20s didn’t enjoy or care for my monthly period. It was just this thing that was kind of annoying and I felt shitty. It made me eat a lot more and I would bloat out and feel fat ☹️ You could say I had an unhealthy relationship with my monthly bleed and didn’t really enjoy getting it at all!!! There was a COMPLETE disconnect from my womb and how I felt towards bleeding. I would use tampons that often hurt and felt so unnatural ( a form of self abuse really ). So numbed out, even with how I put them inside of me… 😩 There was NO FUCKING guidance as to what happens when you bleed and how to even nurture or care for yourself through this SACRED time of the month. I had no idea, no guidance and I just did what everyone else did, EVEN though it didn’t feel good OR NATURAL at all. It’s taken me years to realise that bleeding is a sacred ritual time, for women to go inward, to let go, to create, to use in powerful manifestation and to honour our womb power and MOTHER EARTH.. I have been drawn more and more to reconnecting with my body and especially the womb… We hold sacred wisdom with our wombs. Our BLOOD holds the same wisdom, it’s something to be celebrated, honoured and worshipped. Not hiddened, disowned and sanitized. We have shamed ourselves as women for bleeding, men have placed this taboo on us for bleeding. It’s a time to reclaim our power through reclaiming that which comes naturally for us.. It’s a blessing It’s powerful It’s a fresh start each month It’s a letting go It’s connection to something greater And we can’t stop this natural occurrence so why disown and shame ourselves for it? Iv been spending time monthly to CONNECT in with my womb while I bleed, using I Diva cup so I can actually see my blood, using my blood on the garden or in ritual has helped me build connection with myself and my body. I have a new level of love and respect for my body that wasn’t there before, mainly because I was shaming myself for something that I couldn’t stop. It’s been a full on journey, I’m only just tapping the surface of the POWER of the BLOOD.

A post shared by Yazmina (@yazmina.jade) on Jan 6, 2018 at 11:59pm PST

Jazminos oda:

Tapping into the power of my blood today. I felt called to wear blood coloured lipstick and I have the same colour on my nails.. really feeling into my womb and how disconnected iv been from her. Celebrating my bleeding and feeling so in my power. This is a time for letting go, reflecting and turning inward. I often feel when I bleed that I need to hide from the world and this is so natural and what we need to do as women. Honour that and honour yourself. 🌟🌖 Moon time and Womb wisdom.

A post shared by Yazmina (@yazmina.jade) on Jan 3, 2018 at 2:56pm PST

You may make a assumptions about how my life looks, let me remind you nothing is always positive. I feel very deeply and have daily struggles like most. It’s how I transcend them and over come my challenges that make me who I am today. I believe everything is happening for me, not to me. It’s a push for growth and up leveling. I encourage you all not to judge, based on appearances and surface level stuff. My beauty comes from very deep struggles beyond what anyone knows. I share this to allow room for you to look within your life and challenges, to see the growth and lessons sometimes hidden. This is the perfect time of year for reflecting and owning our struggles. Love you all and grateful for you witnessing in my truth. 🌟💫💝

A post shared by Yazmina (@yazmina.jade) on Dec 24, 2017 at 4:54pm PST

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