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Figūros pavydėtų ir Kardashian: sporto guru

Figūros pavydėtų ir Kardashian: sporto guru, pralenkianti visas (FOTO)

Šviesiaplaukė Theresa – tikras džiaugsmas vaikinų akims. Tačiau puoseldama savo pritrenkiančią figūrą amerikietė stengiasi toli gražu ne dėl vaikinų.

Theresa – garsi sporto trenerė, taip pat vykdanti konsultacijas internetu, susijusias su sportu bei sveika gyvensena. Mergina uoliai dirba dėl savo dailių kūno formų ir visus savo mokinius moko, jog svarbiausia yra ryžtas ir tikslo siekimas.

Daugelis teigia, jog kūno linkiais ši laisvai galėtų konkuruoti su Kim Kardashian – bene garsiausia žvaigžde, turinčia pritrenkiančias kūno formas ir ypač garsėjančia figūringa apatine kūno dalimi. Vis dėlto Theresa į nieką nesilygiuoja ir bando būti unikali. Merginos diena – griežtai sustyguota, mat šviesiaplaukė sportuoja du kartus per dieną ir maitinasi savo pasigamintu baltyminiu maistu.

Ar ji sulaukia vaikinų dėmesio? Ir dar kaip, tačiau į jį numoja ranka. Mergina jau kuris laikas įsipareigojusi vienam vaikinui. Tiesa, Theresa pripažįsta, jog daugelis vyriškosios lyties atstovų giria jos figūrą.

Ar iš tiesų tai viena dailiausių figūrų vaikinų akiai?

There will be obstacles. There will be trial and error. There will be sweat and there might even be tears. Anyone who has ever been great at what they do has been thru some sort of hardship. Instead of living in the present in suffering; remove yourself and see it forward. Live in the future. See what you are going to be. We have to see ourselves succeeding long before it happens❤️ Remember, it’s never too late to get started. If you really want it, YES you can achieve it! I get so many questions on how I stay motivated.. Honestly, it’s just a strong passion I have inside that gives me the strength to never give up. Love yourself, believe in yourself! No one is going to do the hard work for you, or make you eat healthy. YOU have to want it! This is a journey for all of us, we all start somewhere and it’s all worth the hard work💪🏼❤️🙌🏼 #StrongIsSexy #tmiller_fit

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on Oct 25, 2016 at 12:05pm PDT

My Top 5 Booty Workouts😋🍑 👉🏼Hip Thrusts(Glute bridges) 👉🏼Glute Kickbacks 👉🏼Sissy squats 👉🏼Romanian deadlifts 👉🏼Single leg Glute (hip) raises. I’ve demonstrated all of these on here so go check out some of my leg day videos! Tag your workout partner to try!! Use a weight that challenges you! I train legs/glutes 2-3 times a week😉💪🏼 Remember, consistency is the key🔑❤️🙌🏼 I’m here to help you reach your goals, so please feel free to ask me any questions😘 SnapChap👉🏼 tmiller_fit FREE monthly newsletters👉🏼 tmillerfit.com #passion #HappyTuesday #tmiller_fit

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on May 31, 2016 at 12:14pm PDT

Thanks for all the requests! New Booty Workout will be posted next🍑🍑 Leg Day is The Best Day🙌 Who agrees? #LetsGetFit2016 #tmiller_fit

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on Jan 31, 2016 at 12:22pm PST

“Lifting weights makes women big and bulky”👉👉 FALSE!!! Do not believe this myth😉👍 since I’ve been lifting on a daily basis I’m leaner and more toned now than I have ever been💪 If you lift according to your body type and your fitness goals.. You will burn more calories faster and tone up those difficult areas all over your body👌😁🙌 Here are some great benefits to lifting and why you should go lift NOW 👉 It burns fat and builds muscle at the same time, which means a lean, sexy body 👉 It burns a ton of calories 👉 It boosts your metabolism 👉 It helps prevent osteoporosis… And there are many more reasons that lifting is great for you💕😘. #MondayMotivation #StrongIsSexy #tmiller_fit

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on Nov 23, 2015 at 6:08pm PST

The strongest action of a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could❤️😊💪 . Tag your beautiful friends and read below!👯 . Ladies.. Embrace every curve and every flaw, because that’s what makes you unique, that’s what makes you beautiful❤️Having confidence is beautiful and sexy. There’s no such thing as being perfect, we all have our imperfections! Yes I take care of myself and workout and eat clean but I’m far from perfect.. I have cellulite like most women, don’t walk around with a six pack 24/7, love pizza donuts and ice cream just like most everyone else🙌 I’m not here to portray perfection, I’m here to actually make a difference. At the end of the day I don’t care about how many “likes” or “comments” I get on my posts but more importantly, helping each one of you to believe in yourself and love yourself. If I can do it so can you! Fitness is not just about looking good on the outside, but also feeling good on the inside! Remember to always be strong, you never know who you are inspiring out there✌️😘 #StayPositive #StayStrong #BelieveInYourself #tmiller_fit Tank @live_fit_apparel 📷 @donbgphoto MUA @makeupbyjay_xo @beautybyivi

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on Aug 6, 2015 at 7:24pm PDT

That booty pump is real💪 Had a fun, but very challenging glute workout.. Do these exercises and I promise your booty will feel the burn on every rep🔥 . Who wants to see it? 😎💪 . When you genuinely want something, nothing will ever stop you from achieving it❤️🙌 No obstacle will deter you from your goal. At the end of the day it’s you against yourself. Nobody else will wake you up for morning cardio or tell you to stay on track with your diet. When you really want something, nothing can stop you. Learn to have self discipline and self worth. Your drive is going to help you push yourself through your toughest days👊💪😉 and if you can’t figure out your purpose, find your passion! Your passion will lead you to your purpose❤️😘 Just a heads up.. I do not communicate on DM so if you have any questions, ask me on HERE! I try my best to answer everyone’s questions. #MondayMotivation #ChallengeYourself #DreamBig #tmiller_fit

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on Jun 22, 2015 at 12:56pm PDT

#HumpdayMotivation Put in the WORK and the RESULTS will come🔥😘 When you genuinely want something, nothing will ever stop you from achieving it❤️🙌 No obstacle will deter you from your goal. At the end of the day it’s you against yourself. Nobody else will wake you up for morning cardio or tell you to stay on track with your diet. Stay true to yourself and your own goals. Don’t compare yourself to others😉👍 When you really want something, nothing can stop you. Learn to have self discipline and self worth. Your drive is going to help you push yourself through your toughest days👊💪😉 and if you can’t figure out your purpose, find your passion! Your passion will lead you to your purpose❤️😘 #GoGetIt #KeepGrinding #tmiller_fit

A photo posted by Theresa (@tmiller_fit) on Mar 4, 2015 at 7:23pm PST

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