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Ko gero kraupiausias Helovino įvaizdis

Ko gero kraupiausias Helovino įvaizdis, kokį būsi mačiusi (FOTO)

Artėjanti Helovino šventė išlaisvina makiažo meistrų kūrybiškumą. Kone labiausiai šiuo metu socialiniuose tinkluose plinanti ir gąsdinanti makiažo idėja – pakibusi galva.

Talentingos makiažo meistrės kosmetikos priemonėmis nukerta galvą, taip sudarydamos įvaizdį, jog kaklas yra perpjautas. Žinoma, norint sustiprinti įvaizdį, reikia pasirinkti atitinkamą foną, kuriame išryškėtų nukirstos galvos vaizdas.

Iš tiesų tokį įspūdingą Helovino įvaizdį sukurti visai nėra sudėtinga – tereikia efektingo veido makiažo ir šiek tiek daugiau laiko skiriant nupiešti kaklą. Efektas – garantuotas, mat jei Helovino vakarėlį planuoji tamsioje aplinkoje, tuomet susirinkusieji niekaip negalės patikėti, jog tavo galva nekybo ore.

Jei baisuoklių naktį trokšti sulaukti daugybės dėmesio, šis makiažo variantas kaip tik tau:

Another #halloweenmakeup look! ❤️❤️ Completely OBSESSED with these “headless” looks if y’all can’t tell… After doing my “floating head” a few weeks ago, I assume this is similar to what it would look like if your head REALLY came off! Inspired 100% by @monomolove ! This was by far the EASIEST makeup I have EVER done.. No joke 5 minutes TOPS! Anyone can do this, but getting a white background to look good… Took me 30 minutes! I don’t have a clue HOW these people do it and if anyone has any tips please let me know…I had to do some serious editing to get this to look right! If you decide to try this at home just know a silk white sheet will NOT do the trick!! LOL! (P.S a ton of you are tagging me in some crazy cool stuff that I don’t have the supplies for at home so just a side note I HAVE ordered some liquid latex, scar wax, and 3rd degree and it’s supposed to arrive at the Wright residence tomorrow! So I hope to try some crazy new things and come totally out of my comfort zone before the month is over! And who’s to say I will even stop after October ends! Thanks so much to everyone giving me ideas!) Face makeup: @makeupgeekcosmetics “eyeshadows” @elfcosmetics “liquid liner” Lip is @stilacosmetics in “BESO” Lashes are @kasinaprofessional Neck makeup: Using Red, Pink, and Brown paints from Walmart! #halloweenmakeup #headlessmakeup #makeup #hauntinglygorgeous

A photo posted by P a i g e 🌸 (@paigewright__) on Oct 20, 2016 at 3:22pm PDT

Trying to get into the Halloween spirit ! THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE ON THIS LOOK!!!! 🍁💀🎃👽 •• Lips: #anastasiabeverlyhills American doll •• Lashes: #nubounsom exotic! coupon code: A1DELATORRE 🔥 •• Brows: #benebrows kabrow shade 4 •• Palette: @mehronmakeup. •• Don’t forget I have a giveaway that ends this Friday, link in bio!! • Inspo: @roxxsaurus •• #universodamaquiagem_oficial #universomakeup #Maquiagemx #maquiagembrasil #brian_champagne #Vegas_nay #wakeupandmakeup #Blendthatshit #beatthatface #inssta_makeup #ipsyos #ipsy #abhhalloween #benefitbrows #kyliecosmetics #thepowerofmakeup #makeuptutorials #ghalichiglam #makeupvideos #trendingatsephora #makeuptutorials #videosfashions #makeupclips #hudabeauty

A video posted by A I M E É DE LA TORRE (@a1delatorre) on Oct 3, 2016 at 5:25pm PDT

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