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Laimingiausias ežiukas pasaulyje: jo „Instagram“ sekėjų skaičius auga žaibiškai

Laimingiausias ežiukas pasaulyje: jo „Instagram“ sekėjų skaičius auga žaibiškai

Tikrai ne visiems ežiukams taip pasiseka, kaip Vokietijoje gyvenančiam Mr. Pokee. Jis šiuo metu yra populiariausias gyvūnėlis instagrame ir lenkia visus žymius šunis ar kates.

Mr. Pokee populiarumu socialinio tinklo platybėse rūpinasi vokietė Talitha Girnus, kuri ežiuką į savo namus parsivežė prieš kelis metus. Ežiukas šiuo metu jau yra apkeliavęs nemažą dalį Europos – pabuvojęs ne Austrijoje, Danijoje, Prancūzijoje bei kituose miestuose. Į delną telpantis ežiukas toks žaismingas, jog kiekviena jo nuotrauka socialinės medijose platybėse sulaukia daugybės komplimentų.

Ežiuko savininkė Talitha Girnus, kurdama ir vystydama ežiuko asmeninę paskyrą, nori perduoti žinutę, jog net ir mažose smulkmenose gali slypėti didžiulis džiaugsmas ir laimė. Ežiuko nuotraukos nuotaiką praskaidrina jau net 1,5 mln. sekėjų ir jų skaičius auga su kiekviena diena. Daugelis ežius regi kaip baugščius, dygliuotus padarus, kuriuos paėmus į rankas galima skaudžiai nukentėti. Iš tiesų, gamtoje gyvenantys ežiai gali ne tik sukelti skausmą juos palietus, bet ir perduoti įvairias infekcijas.

Vis dėlto Mr. Pokee praėjo medicininę patikrą, todėl tai tinkamas laikyti namuose ežiukas, kuris, be jokios abejonės, yra ir labai fotogeniškas. Šiandien liūdna, kankina bloga nuotaika? Patariame pasekti mieląjį ežiuką!

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What song do you think Herbee is singing? ???

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☀️Giveaway Time☀️ *Werbung/Ad . UPDATE: The winners are @simplysaylor & @st_madeleine ?? Congrats guys! Don’t be sad if you didn’t win this time – there will be more giveaways!! . We are giving away two pairs of @blowfishmalibu! The two lucky winners will each get to choose one Blowfish Malibu pair via @famousfootwear!! ?Please note that you must be located in the US to participate!! To enter the giveaway: 1. Make sure you’re following us @mr.pokee 2. Follow @blowfishmalibu and @famousfootwear 3. Tag at least two friends in the comments (1 comment = 1 entry) The Giveaway ‪ends on Sunday, 7/14‬, 11:59PST and the two winners will be announced in this post! Good luck, friends ?✨

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I scream, you scream, Herbee screams for ICE CREAM ?? . What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? ???

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A cactus is actually just a really grumpy hedgehog ???

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Call me Herbee the Hippie Hog ?? . Sometimes it feels like Pokee is sitting on my shoulder watching over us and teaching Herbee how to pose for photos. In the beginning it was a bit hard for me to get a good photo of Herbee, because he would get super excited to be outside and run around like crazy. So, I didn’t bother taking a lot of pictures of him in the first few weeks. But after our first trips together to Berlin and Paris I can tell that he already trusts me so much more than in the very beginning. And that makes it a lot easier to get good pictures. Always remember that trust is the key ? . Fun fact: Although he seems to love meeting new people, he always comes straight to my hand whenever I hold it towards him. It makes everyone else so jealous when he prefers to be with me instead ?? #sorrynotsorry

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Happy Birthday, little cutie ?♥️ . Pokee would’ve turned 4 today! Let’s celebrate him today and remember to spread joy and happiness to everyone we meet! ?? #PokeeForever

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Roses are red. Violets are blue. My Valentine’s date is cuter than you. ?♥️

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Smiling Blue Monday away like… ?? Which one makes you the happiest 1-10?

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I’ll be spooking at Eltz castle tonight ??

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I love y’all thiiiiiiis much ????

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1000 Posts on Instagram!! Exciting News!! ?? . It all started with Pokee in June 2015. I started taking photos of the cutest moments of my life with Pokee so I would always remember them. And since he made me so happy, I figured that others would enjoy my pictures as well. I thought, even if just one person in this world would smile by looking at my pictures of him, my goal would be reached. And indeed, so many of you took your time to write long messages to me to tell me how Pokee would brighten up your darkest days. When I read those messages, it fills my heart with so much joy that I can’t put into words ?❤️ . I don’t just love taking photos of my hedgehogs, but I also love to share them with all of you. It makes me soooo happy to see you happy and smile! Some of you have asked me if I will change my username or make a new page for Herbee. The reason I will not do that is that it’s not about the hedgehog anymore. It’s about the story and the message ♡ Be happy and Smile ♡ and it all started with Pokee. This is my way of remembering and honoring Pokee. I found my passion though him, it all started with him. And I don’t know what the next chapters will be, but I do know that it all started with Pokee. In June 2015. ?
You can read the full story in our Story today! ? . Aaaaand that being said, I have some very very veryyyyy exciting news and I can’t wait to tell you VERY SOON!!! If you can’t wait, swipe and guess what it is!! ?

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