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Emmos Watson antrininkė: tokio panašumo dar neteko regėti (FOTO)

Emmos Watson antrininkė: tokio panašumo dar neteko regėti (FOTO)

Naršydami interneto platybėse aptikome merginą, kurią iš pat pradžių palaikėme žymia aktore Emma Watson.

Iš Škotijos kilusi Megan Flockhart tokia panaši į gabią aktorę bei aktyvistę Emmą, jog tiesiog galvoje netelpa, kaip šios dvi merginos nėra susaistytos kraujo ryšiais. Beveik identiškus veido bruožus turinčios merginos taip pat gali pasigirti tokiomis pačiomis riešutų atspalvio akimis ir šviesiai rudais plaukais.

Per šių metų Helovino šventę Megan persikūnijo į Emmą ir iš karto tapo socialinių medijų labiausiai aptarinėjama įžymybės antrininke – tokio panašumo dar reikėtų paieškoti! Tiesa, Megan teigia specialiai nesistengianti atitikti Emmos išvaizdos ir aklai nekopijuoja garsiosios aktorės. Visgi daugelis pastebti, jog Megan identiškai dažosi plaukus, renkasi panašų makiažą ir beveik taip pat formuoja antakius.

Ar Megan su Emma gali lygiuotis ir vidiniu pasauliu? Megan kol kas studijuoja psichologiją ir trokšta tapti profesionalia specialiste, todėl apie aktorinį kelią negalvoja. Vis dėlto Emmos kopija pasižymi sumanumu, kuris būdingas ir pačiai aktorei.

Neįtikėtinas panašumas, tiesa?

Can’t wait to cut my hair again 👏

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Nov 10, 2016 at 1:34am PST

I love floral, incase ya didn’t notice 🌸

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Nov 1, 2016 at 10:54am PDT

That moment when the Battle of Hogwarts Hermione meets Order of the Phoenix Hermione 😍⚡️❤️ was so lovely meeting you Hermione Twin @maresclop !! #hermionegranger #happyhalloween🎃

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Oct 31, 2016 at 10:26am PDT

My Steve Jobs aesthetic

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Oct 18, 2016 at 7:27am PDT

Not the most ideal coworker but Chewie means well @surfdogsglasgow #starwars

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Oct 13, 2016 at 1:52pm PDT

“Other women are not my competition, I stand with them not against them” 💕 Too often I see women tearing other women down, whether it’s about beauty standards or hobbies or relationships this culture of nit-picking other women needs to end in order for us to truly gain equality. It’s not particularly our fault, it’s a normal custom in society to pull another women down instead of big them up, we are brought up criticizing women for their relationships, clothing, make up, hair and basically anything else you can think of, we are brought up reading about a women’s fashion disaster instead of her accomplishments, we are brought up assessing a women’s relationships so harshly, this particularly comes from the media and then filters into our normal lives. I think the more we are aware that we are not in a competition with another women, the more we live our lives positively and break down the gender barriers that already exist. Life is much better and much lighter celebrating other women, rather than wanting them to fail for another’s personal gain. Stop putting other women down because unless they are negatively impacting your life then why try and negatively impact theirs? Stop (for lack of a better term) “slut shaming” stop making a women feel bad because of her make up or hair etc. If someone is pretty? Tell them they are pretty! If someone is talented? Tell them they are talented, encourage other women to achieve whatever they want to achieve in life. #positivevibes #positivity #feminism #feminist #positivequotes #women #womenpositivity @pansypath #leanintogether

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Sep 23, 2016 at 6:45am PDT

When the lighting in Manchester is 92463829x better than Glasgow

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Sep 17, 2016 at 7:33am PDT

Frankie: “you gotta be more decisive about your pictures” #firstworldproblems

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Aug 18, 2016 at 6:36am PDT

I haven’t posted a selfie with my Chip mug yet so here we are #beautyandthebeast #disney #disneyworld

A photo posted by meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) on Aug 10, 2016 at 9:11am PDT

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