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Įspūdingoji sporto guru: jos natūralumu netiki net artimieji (FOTO)

Įspūdingoji sporto guru: jos natūralumu netiki net artimieji (FOTO)

Gamtos dovana, didelis įdirbis, o gal plastinių operacijų dėka įgyta figūra? Šias spėliones kelia amerikietė Caitlin Rice (22 m.), kuri puikuojasi iti išraiškingomis kūno formomis.

Sportas jai tikrai nesvetimas – mergina kasdien pluša sporto salėje ir dailina kūno linijas pasitelkdama įvairiausius pratimus. Išraiškingo užpakaliuko mados pradininkės Jen Selter pasekėja Caitlin tiesiog pamišusi dėl apatinės kūno dalies tobulinimo. Būtent todėl daugeliui, stebinčiam jos nuotraukas, kyla klausimas, ar vien tik sportinių pratimų dėka galima įgyti tokį užpakaliuką.

Caitlin ryžtingai neigia kalbas apie plastines operacijas ir teigia visą savo laiką bei energiją skirianti sportui. Mergina sporto salės nepalieka, kol jos kūnu nepradeda žliaugti devintas prakaitas. Tiesa, jos Instagramo paskyroje talpinamos nuotraukos rodo, jog mergina labiausiai dievina ne įmantrius sporto pratimus, o paprasčiausius pritūpimus, naudojant svarelius. Anot Caitlin, būtent šie elementarūs pratimai jai padeda pasiekti tokią figūrą, kurios pavydi daugelis.

O kaip tu manai, ar įmanoma vien tik sportuojant turėti tokią figūrą – bombą?

Happy Mother’s Day!!! ❤️ out with the family today. #blessed 😍 so obsessed with my new sock leggings from @bombshellsportswear 💗 use my code “Caitlin10” for 10% off!!

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on May 8, 2016 at 3:04pm PDT

NEW COLOURS FOR MY SHORTS AND PANTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!! ❤️ My scrunch bum shorts and pants are now both available in grey, pink, and blue!! Head over to caitlinricefit.com and Enter code “15off” for 15% off of my apparel line!! ❤️ Also offering 40% off all my programs and meal plans!! Enter code “40off” at checkout! ❤️ Let’s get you that body you’ve always wanted! I still have a few spots left open for my completely custom coaching program as well. Email me if you’re interested as you cannot purchase the coaching program on my website! CaitlinR.fit@gmail.com

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Jan 27, 2016 at 12:41pm PST

Monday feelzzz. I love oversized sweats and smiles 🍑😃 ❤️ Tomorrow is the last day of my sale!!! ❤️ My scrunch bum shorts and pants are now both available in grey, pink, and blue!! Head over to caitlinricefit.com and Enter code “15off” for 15% off of my apparel line!! ❤️ Also offering 40% off all my programs and meal plans!! Enter code “40off” at checkout! ❤️ Let’s get you that body you’ve always wanted! I still have a few spots left open for my completely custom coaching program as well. This comes with completely customized workouts, meal plans, supplement advice and booty workouts!!Email me if you’re interested as you cannot purchase the coaching program on my website! CaitlinR.fit@gmail.com

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Jan 25, 2016 at 5:23pm PST

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thank you for all your support this year. Looking forward to seeing what this next year will hold. Make goals and go out and get them! Anything is possible. I’m having a new years sale on my website. 60% off my meal plans, workout programs, booty work etc. Just enter code: newyears at checkout. ONE TIME ONLY I’m offering 10% off my apparel line. Enter code: apparel10 at checkout for that deal. STILL OPEN SPOTS in my full coaching program. You cannot purchase this on my website so send me an email. Full coaching includes: fully custom workouts, meal plans based on your goals/likes/dislikes/allergies etc. And of course booty workouts!!! Email me. Caitlinr.fit@gmail.com

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Jan 1, 2016 at 2:50pm PST

Smile in the face of adversity. Use whatever pain/hardship you’re going through to fuel your fire and motivate you to work harder. Happy Sunday! Loving this gym in DC! 💪 Super cute scrunch bum shorts are from my clothing line!! Check em out!! ❤️ STILL OPEN SPOTS IN MY FULL COACHING! You cannot purchase this on my website so send me an email! Full Coaching includes: fully custom workouts, meal plans based on your goals/likes/dislikes/allergies etc. And of course booty workouts! 👉CaitlinR.fit@gmail.com👈

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Nov 29, 2015 at 6:04am PST

Flexin the baby bicep 😝

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Sep 21, 2015 at 12:46pm PDT

This is one of my all time favourite glute exercises. 🍑🍑🍑 Elevated Sumo Squats (or Plie squats) the sumo squat places more emphasis on the inner thighs and glutes than regular squats. During the sumo squat, your glutes, quadriceps, calves and other muscles have to work together to coordinate the movement. 🍑🍑🍑 Start standing and hold a kettle bell in between your legs with both hands, with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart, and your toes turned out about 45 degrees. Lift your heels off the platforms, balancing on the balls of your feet, bend your knees, and lower your body straight down, keeping your hips under your shoulders and your back straight. Make sure your knees open over, but not past, your toes as they bend. Slowly straighten back up and then lower your heels. If you find that your knees to travel too far forward, push your hips back even more. 🍑🍑🍑 FEEL THE BURN!!!!

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Aug 28, 2015 at 9:03am PDT

Getting my tan on and mowing the lawn 😎 I’m doing a flash sale for the week! If you want real results then go check out my workouts/booty work/meal plans!! Head over to my website CaitlinRiceFit.com and enter coupon code “sunshine” for 40% off

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Aug 18, 2015 at 11:27am PDT

Always a good day when I get a package from @FashionNova ❤️ use code: XOCAITLIN for 15% off #littleblackdress #fashionnova #ootd

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Aug 25, 2015 at 10:29am PDT

#OOTD having a blast in LA! Photo cred: @taramavadat 😘

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Jun 16, 2015 at 9:58am PDT

LA✈️Dallas 💙had a blast in Los Angeles. Now off to my old stomping grounds Dallas! 💙

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Jun 17, 2015 at 12:27pm PDT

Love my new dress from @fashionnova! ❤️

A photo posted by 🎀Caitlin R.🎀 (@caitlinricefit) on Apr 1, 2015 at 5:07pm PDT

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