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Bijai tokių gyvių? Gali ištikti šokas pamačius

Bijai tokių gyvių? Gali ištikti šokas pamačius, ką su su jais daro viena mergina (FOTO)

Viena, kai vorai, šimtakojai, įvairūs vabzdžiai egzistuoja gyvojoje gamtoje ir visai kas kita, kai jie atsiduria kur nors arti mūsų, pavyzdžiui, namuose arba… ant veido. Nežinia, kaip jums, bet mums didžiausiam košmarui prilygtų rytą pasitikti su ropojančiu ant veido tarantulu.

Štai JAV makiažo meistrė Jasmine ne tik tokių gyvių nesibaido, bet ir eksperimentuoja su jais atlikdama makiažus. Savo Instagram paskyroje vizažo mylėtoja talpina nuotraukas, kuriuose makiažą pagražina į pagalbą pasitelkdama ropojančius, šliaužiančius ar skraidančius gyvius! Jamsine tikina, jog visi nuotraukose matomi gyviai yra gyvi, tad tai nėra jų iškamšos, jie nėra užmigdomi specialiais preparatais ar prilipdomi. Kaip gi kankinsi gyvą padarą? Jasmine tikina, jog susidoroti su gyvais bei judriais vabaliukais ar vorais jai yra tikras iššūkis, mat išgauti tobulą kadrą, kurio metu šie nejudėtų, yra be galo sudėtinga.

Jasmine tikrai nėra bailė – vos prieš keletą dienų ji fotografavosi su pavojinguoju tarantulu, tiesa, mažesniąja jo versija. Visgi nereta moteriškosios lyties atstovė nė į rankas tokio padarėlio neimtų, mat baimintųsi staigių jo judesių. Jasmine tikina niekad nejutusi baimės vabalams ar vorams ir nuo vaikystės mėgusi juos tyrinėti, domėjosi gyvūnijos pasauliu. Augant ją patraukė makiažo sritis, ta ji nusprendė sujungti dvi interesų zonas. Rezultatas – nepriekaištingai atliktas makiažas ir puikus jo pagalbininkas – gyvas voras, vabalas arba vabzdys.

Pasigrožėkit. Ar pasibaisėkit:

‼️REAL SPIDER‼️ Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula (Molt/Exoskeleton) SOURCE: Etsy Shop: WildThingsInc FUN FACTS: Chaco golden knee tarantula is a ground-living species that burrows when he can. Although generally sweet-natured, the Chaco golden knee, like many other tarantulas, may flick irritating hairs at people when alarmed. Lifespan: Males – 5+ years, Females – 20+ years. Tarantulas have the ability to spin silk, but unlike other spiders, they do not use the silk to make webs that catch their prey. Instead, they use the silk to line their burrows and protect their eggs. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 (Secret: this look was originally intended for the black widow spider I had. The look was all ready for the spider placement but the thing is that….. I DRAW THE LINE AT BLACK WIDOWS!! She was tooooo creepy!!!) 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 Products Used @sauceboxcosmetics Étude palette for brow and shading. @ttd_eye lens in Mystery Red(use code Butterflyjasmine for 10% off) @duoadhesive latex free lash glue near the eye and @mehronmakeup liquid latex for the effects further from eye. Cotton for large egg sacs and @ellimacssfx ellimorph plastic for the little eggs. The webbing is a pulled apart Used dryer sheet. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 #eyeart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #tarantula #goldenknee #arachnids #arachnophobia #scary #creepy #crazymakeup #trypophobia

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Jan 5, 2018 at 11:10am PST

‼️REAL SPIDER‼️ Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula (Molt/Exoskeleton) SOURCE: Etsy Shop: WildThingsInc FUN FACTS: Chaco golden knee tarantula is a ground-living species that burrows when he can. Although generally sweet-natured, the Chaco golden knee, like many other tarantulas, may flick irritating hairs at people when alarmed. Lifespan: Males – 5+ years, Females – 20+ years. Tarantulas have the ability to spin silk, but unlike other spiders, they do not use the silk to make webs that catch their prey. Instead, they use the silk to line their burrows and protect their eggs. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 (Secret: this look was originally intended for the black widow spider I had. The look was all ready for the spider placement but the thing is that….. I DRAW THE LINE AT BLACK WIDOWS!! She was tooooo creepy!!!) 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 Products Used @sauceboxcosmetics Étude palette for brow and shading. @ttd_eye lens in Mystery Red(use code Butterflyjasmine for 10% off) @duoadhesive latex free lash glue near the eye and @mehronmakeup liquid latex for the effects further from eye. Cotton for large egg sacs and @ellimacssfx ellimorph plastic for the little eggs. The webbing is a pulled apart Used dryer sheet. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 #eyeart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #tarantula #goldenknee #arachnids #arachnophobia #scary #creepy #crazymakeup #trypophobia

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Jan 4, 2018 at 12:18pm PST

‼️REAL WORMS‼️ Mealworms 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 SOURCE: @petsmart (dehydrated reptile food) FUN FACTS: It takes about the same amount of energy to raise a pound of mealworms as it does to raise a pound of pork because the mealworms have to be kept warm all the time or they won’t grow well. Mealworms have exoskeletons, which means their bodies are supported from the outside, not the inside. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Products Used @maccosmetics Pigment in Deep Brown. @mehronmakeup Paradise paint in Light brown and orange. @suvabeauty hydraliner in Dance Party. @makeupgeekcosmetics in Mandarin. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #worms #disgusting #gory #horror

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Dec 11, 2017 at 10:16am PST

‼️REAL SPIDER‼️ Spiny Orb-Weaver Spider 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 SOURCE: Etsy shop InsectArt FUN FACTS: Over 3,500 species of orb weavers have been identified throughout the world, and nearly 200 species are found in North America. Most orb weavers spin a new web each night after eating the remnants of the old web. The spider begins by spinning a central vertical thread with a second primary line. This serves as the framework for the web. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 Products Used @nyxcosmetics brow gel in chocolate and glitter in Crystal. @mehronmakeup paradise paints in Violet and purple. @projektglitter purple glitter. Lashes from eBay. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 #eyeart #eyelook #blueeye #creativemakeup #macro #macrophotography #canon📷 #canonphotography #ringlight #purplemakeup #creepy #creepycrawly #spider #arachnid #arachniphobia #scary #ew #triggered #triggerwarning #crazymakeup #glittermakeup #holo #glittery #spiny #orbweaver

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Dec 9, 2017 at 12:38pm PST

‼️REAL MILLIPEDE‼️ Millipede SOURCE: Found locally(Already dead) FUN FACTS: Millipedes do not have a thousand legs. A hatchling is born with only three pairs of legs and can grow up to 200 as an adult. They have two pairs of legs per body segment. Millipedes are some of the oldest creatures to walk on land. Fossilized evidence show that a millipede-like creature was one of the first and largest invertebrates to walk on land at six feet long and one and a half feet wide. Products Used @bennyemakeup Fresh Scab blood @duoadhesive and red yarn. Lashes from Amazon. 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛 #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #millipede #worms #bloody #gross #editorial

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Dec 21, 2017 at 11:17am PST

‼️REAL BEETLE‼️ Snout Beetle SOURCE: Etsy Shop: Insectartzone FUN FACTS: As a common defense mechanism, these beetles will sing by rubbing their elytra against their abdomen. The scarabaeiform larvae, also known as the white grub, can be seen burrowing in twigs, and large nuts. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Products Used @bhcosmetics Take Me Back to Brazil Palette. White Gold box chain from @rogersjewelryco @nyxcosmetics Jumbo eye pencil in Milk as well as their Chocolate brow gel. Lashes EBay ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #beetle #snoutbeetle #editorialphotography #editorial

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Dec 20, 2017 at 2:29pm PST

‼️REAL BEETLE‼️ Next up in this series of insect eye arts is this stunning June Bug. How pretty is it though!!?? 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂 SOURCE: Found in my yard(already dead) FUN FACTS: Exposure to light for longer intervals is responsible for killing June bugs. June Bugs get their name primarily because most often it is when their eggs start to hatch. It most often ranges from end of may to end of June/early July. June Bug’s larva can live from 2-4 years underground before becoming full grown adult beetles. 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂 @nyxcosmetics blonde and chocolate brow gel. @sauceboxcosmetics Étude palette shadows in beaming, coffee toffee and biscotti. @mehronmakeup rose gold metallic powder and mixing fluid. @starlookscosmetics kohl pencil in Obsidian. Lashes eBay. Whites of eyes edited. 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂 #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #sfxmakeup #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #beetleart #junebug #bloodshot #smokeyeye

A post shared by Jasmine (@butterflyjasmine49) on Nov 22, 2017 at 10:26am PST

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