Geriausia Kalėdinė dovana - žurnalo MANO NAMAI prenumerata!
Gražuolė Madison Beer: ar taip pridera elgtis 17 - metei? (FOTO)

Gražuolė Madison Beer: ar taip pridera elgtis 17 – metei? (FOTO)

Kai dažna sepyniolikmetė galvoja apie ateities planus ir kiekvieną rytą iš spintos traukia unformą, garsi JAV dainininkė, ką tik septynioliktą gimtadienį atšventusi Madison Beer gyvena visai kitokį gyvenimą.

Aistringos galmonės su vaikinais, priauginamos blakstienos, liemenėlės su pakietinimais, nepilnametei nepriimtinos fotografavimosi pozos ir aptempiantys drabužėliai…

Jaunąja Megan Fox tituluojama dainininkė tikrai nevaržo savęs. JAV dainomis spėjusi išgarsėti atlikėja buvo atrasta paties Justino Bieberio, kai šis surado jos nufilmuotą vaizdo įrašą interneto platybėse. Kalbama, jog Madison taip pat buvo Justino meilė, mat porelė trumpą laiką susitikinėjo.

Iš jaunos mergaičiukės Madison virto tikra dama, tiesa, pernelyg atvirai demonstruojančia savo kūną. Nors jaunimas tiesiog eina dėl Madison iš proto, vyresni kraipo galvomis – ar verta taip anksti suaugti? Nuo itin jauno amžiaus besidažanti ir besipuošianti juodaplaukė tikrai nėra ta, kuri ilgai žaidė lėlėmis, o ir vaikinų jos sąraše – nors vėžimu vežk.

Norėtųsi, jog Madison dar pasidžiaugtų jaunyste…

gonna miss my dark hair 👀

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Apr 30, 2016 at 10:51am PDT


A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Apr 21, 2016 at 3:49pm PDT

gotta get my tan back

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Apr 16, 2016 at 11:49am PDT

so today i am posting this to let all of you know that u can love yourself, and that’s okay. being someone who gets torn down about my appearance a lot it can be hard to stay confident. people will tell me I’m too skinny, then I put weight, and now they tell me I’m fat. i get a pimple & all of the sudden I’m ugly and not clean. I wear the wrong thing, and I’m pinned as a bad role model. not too long ago I realized, I am who I am and no matter what, that’s not going to change. I’m fine the way I am, whether I ate nothing but pizza and brownies the week before and gained a few pounds, or did a juice cleanse for 5 days and lost a few. whether I have a pimple, or my skin is as clear as can be, I am me. this head on my shoulders and my heart in my chest will ALWAYS be me. you are beautiful just the way you are. remember that no amount of beauty on the outside can fix an ugly heart. keep your heart golden AND MAKE YOUR BODY YOURS! you’re sexy & beautiful no matter shape or size and YOU CAN BE CONFIDENT! I believe in every single on of you. remember, no one can do you better than you can.

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Nov 2, 2015 at 10:55am PST

🐱🐱 bored. hiii friends. (again again)

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Oct 25, 2015 at 11:36am PDT

dreamin in red @makeupbysamuel

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Aug 9, 2015 at 11:26pm PDT


A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on May 12, 2015 at 11:24am PDT

Galore Mag today 💖💸👼

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Mar 18, 2015 at 2:30pm PDT

Rose Gold Glitter 😻

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Apr 26, 2016 at 4:13pm PDT

9:42 AM 👽

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Dec 31, 2015 at 6:45am PST

if you’re confident in yourself, you’re called conceited. if you’re unhappy with yourself, you’re fishing for compliments. you see a girl with a bit of cleavage in a photo and call her a slut but when u see a girl dressed conservatively you call her boring. you. can’t. win. so you might as well do you despite what others think. love yourself, be yourself and blow a kiss to all the people who don’t like it as u walk by them. 😼😽

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Apr 18, 2016 at 2:01pm PDT

💙 @worldmcqueen

A photo posted by MADISON BEER (@madisonbeer) on Feb 15, 2016 at 12:33pm PST

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