Drąsiausios „pliusės“: jos rodo tai

Drąsiausios „pliusės“: jos rodo tai, ko net liekniausios nedrįstų (FOTO)

Kompleksuoji dėl priaugto kilogramėlio ir grauži save, jog ką tik sukirtai šokoladinį batonėlį? Šioms plus size manekenėms graužatis dėl svorio ir kompleksai nebūdingi!

Į mados pasaulį it raketos šovusios plus size manekenės visai nesibodi rodyti savo apnuogintų kūnų. Gelbėjimosi ratukas ant pilvo? Ne bėda! Šiek tiek celiulito ant kojos? Pasaulis juk nesugrius! Drąsos, pasitikėjimo savo jėgomis ir, žinoma, atsipalaidavimo – štai ko galima pasimokyti iš garsiųjų pliusių, kurios savo nuotraukomis žavi Instagramo sekėjus.

Jų dienotvarkės – itin užimtos, mat įvairiausios fotosesijos pilasi kaip iš gausybės rago, tačiau joms lieka laiko įsiamžinti ir pademonstruoti savo pilnesnes, tačiau ne ką prastesnes figūras.


Robyn Lawley:

Morning Polaroids wearing mix and match @robynlawleyswimwear @wilhelmina #makeupfree #retouchfree #polaroids

A photo posted by Robyn Lawley (@robynlawley) on Mar 16, 2016 at 6:15am PDT

I think it’s safe to say this season of @robynlawleyswimwear is the sexiest cuts yet! As seen here on @la_finebauer 😘 #supported #robynlawleyswimwear #curvy @okaymodels @bellamanagementcurve

A photo posted by Robyn Lawley (@robynlawley) on Sep 2, 2015 at 9:05am PDT

Tess Holiday:

Having another baby has been a beautiful process & at times, frustrating. As I enter my 8th month, my body overall looks the same other than my belly & I’m okay with that. What I’ve had to be learn to be okay with (WHICH IS NOT COOL) is the fact that people still think it’s okay to comment on my body: “you don’t look pregnant”, “you must be have quadruplets”, “you are putting your baby at risk” & a slew of other uneducated statements that are very far from my reality 🙄. When “celebrities” are pregnant in the press, they look glamorous, toned & are eager to talk about how they are going to get the baby weight off. While I’ve done my best to look as put together as possible, that’s not real life, & it’s not for most women. I’m not the first plus size woman in the public eye to have a baby & share it with the world, & I certainly won’t be the last. However I’m part of a small minority that’s telling you it’s okay to not have a perfect baby bump, or not show at all, to be plus size & have a healthy child, & most importantly to find a care provider that doesn’t shame you about your size. It’s also okay to tell someone to fuck off when they give you unsolicited advice about what’s “best” for you & your baby. As women, we know what’s best & that’s our business.. No one else’s. 👑 #effyourbeautystandards #theresnowrongwaytobeawoman #32weeks #babyhollidayontheway

A photo posted by Plus Model | Mom | Feminist🌹 (@tessholliday) on Apr 19, 2016 at 3:20pm PDT

Shot for @theuntitledmagazine #GirlPower issue in stores now ✌🏼️ This is my body with very minimal photoshop, but make no mistake that I think photoshop is an essential part of my industry. When I first started modeling I wasn’t as comfortable with my arms or tummy but now, I love all of it 💯! Most of the images you see daily in the media, magazines, etc have been photoshopped & you would have no idea. I don’t believe in using it to distort someone’s body or make them slimmer, but to smooth lines in clothes, or amping up the colors.. Hell yes! Have any of you ever used a filter on Instagram? *gasp!* Thats the same thing. As a model I have ZERO control over how a photo is edited or the final result but work with the best in the industry & stand by my work👌🏽 So yes, you can #effyourbeautystandards by using photoshop, makeup & a wind machine. At the end of the day, I’m doing the impossible by even being a model in the body I’m in. It’s about being unapologetically YOU.. Whatever that means 💋📷@indiracesarine

A photo posted by Plus Model | Mom | Feminist🌹 (@tessholliday) on Sep 29, 2015 at 9:15am PDT

Chloe Marshall:

Rooftop antics 📷 @michelleolson1 🙌🏻 Swimsuit by @wildfoxcouture 👙

A photo posted by CHLOE MARSHALL (@chloemarshall01) on Sep 13, 2015 at 4:30pm PDT

Iskra Lawrence:

✨💕 so excited to be in Lanzorate shooting a @lookmagazine cover you can buy the magazine May 3rd❗️ahhhh can’t wait! Thank you @simplybeuk @chloefashed 😚✨🌟 hair by @heathmassihair makeup @athena_skouvakis #iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful ☀️🌴✨

A photo posted by 🌙iskra✨ (@iamiskra) on Apr 16, 2016 at 10:34am PDT

Ashely Graham:

We brought back my lace convertible bra! ..will be available mid Jan.. @additionelle #iamsizesexy

A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on Dec 11, 2015 at 2:43am PST

Island life #Curaçao 👙☀️🐠 #beautybeyondsize #lovetheskinyourein #curvesfordays -watch my snapchat (@theashleygraham) for more island life fun!-

A photo posted by A S H L E Y G R A H A M (@theashleygraham) on Nov 21, 2015 at 2:15pm PST

Denise Bidot:

Let’s stop trying to be perfect and just be free 💕 #meandmyimperfections #loveyourbody #behappy #thereisnowrongwaytobeawoman #justme

A photo posted by Denise Bidot (@denisebidot) on Feb 2, 2016 at 5:31pm PST

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