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O kadaise ši mergina atrodė visiškai kitaip: tai sunkiai suvokiama (FOTO)

O kadaise ši mergina atrodė visiškai kitaip: tai sunkiai suvokiama (FOTO)

Būdama vos 22 m. Australijoje, Sidnėjuje gyvenanti Jennifer Ognenovski jautėsi ne kaip jauna mergina, o aštuoniasdešimtmečio sulauksi moteris.

Priežastis – didžiulis kūno svoris, kuris ją slėgė visą gyvenimą. Ir ko tik Jennifer nedarė: laikėsi dietų, bandė sportuoti, gilinosi į sveikos mitybos principus ir bandė juos taikyti kasdieniniame gyvenime. Viskas veltui. Merginai atsikratyti kompleksų padėjo tik riebalų nusiurbimo operacija, kuri kardinaliai pakeitė teisės studentės išvaizdą.

Dabar žvelgdama į praeities nuotraukas Jennifer negali patikėti, jog tai ji. Tuo labiau negali ir merginos artimieji bei socialinės medijos sekėjai, kurie seka merginos lieknėjimo kelią. Vis dėlto australė pripažįsta, jog kūno riebalų nusiurbimo operacijos nepakanka, norint išlaikyti trokštamą svorį ir išlikti sveikai.

Mergina sveikai maitinasi, reguliariai atlieka mankštą ir žino, jog savimi rūpintis teks visą likusį gyvenimą. Vis dėlto ji pagaliau gali pasipuošti moteriškumo suteikiančiomis suknelėmis bei kombinezonais. Tai anksčiau buvo Jennifer svajonė. Pasikeitė ne tik merginos kūnas – visiškai transformavosi ir gražuolės veido forma bei bruožai.

Na, tikrai įspūdingi pokyčiai, pripažinkit!

| The same girl | However, an 86kg difference | One year older | Healthier | Fitter | Happier | With a complete new outlook on life | * * * * * * * #wls #vsg #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #facetoface #fattofit #fitness #fit #fitspo #gym #gymlife #gymmotivation #gymapparel #gymwear #workout #motivation #inspiration #plasticsurgery #protein #proteinshake #beforeandafter #fitstagram #inspire #preworkout #keto #healthy #healthfreak

A post shared by Health And Life Journey (@jens_healthjourney) on Feb 2, 2017 at 5:57pm PST

| Lets leave this face to face Friday here – even I can’t believe it most days | * * * * * * #wls #wlscommunity #vsg #vsgcommunity #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #transformation #friday #facetoface #ftf #beforeandafter #traindirty #fitness #fitspo #makeup #trainhard #eatclean #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #selfie #facecomparison

A post shared by Health And Life Journey (@jens_healthjourney) on May 10, 2018 at 7:27pm PDT

| I may be smiling in that picture on the left, but my reality was far from that | I was crying inside, I was scared of where I would end up and how my life would turn out | In saying that, the girl on the right is still as confused and scared of the direction of her life, still studying and working hard, but the difference is, I have my health, I have confidence, I have the ability to do anything I put my mind to – I no longer need to hide behind fake smiles, I smile now because I am genuinely content | Remember, one meal at a time; one workout at a time; one day at a time | • .• • • • • • #wls #wlscommunity #vsg #vsgcommunity #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #transformationtuesday #transformation #bodytransformation #extremeweightloss #massiveweightloss #losingweight #fit #fitness #fitspo #exercise #fattofit #bodybuilding #bodypositive #bodytransformation #traindirty #goals #workout #gastricsleeve #beforeandafter #comparison #tummytuck #fitnessgoals #bodygoals

A post shared by Health And Life Journey (@jens_healthjourney) on Apr 2, 2018 at 2:03pm PDT

| Lets talk food transformation (and yes – there’s still a notable difference in body transformation too) | Nearly 2 years post op sleeve, and being in the maintenance is hard, you really have to be in the right frame of mind, and really focus on what is good fuel for your body | The picture on the left I ordered a salad – WITH DEEP FRIED WHATEVER | I ate every last bit of it and was STILL HUNGRY | Salad on the right was all fresh apart from the grilled haloumi – I ate probably 1/4 of it, and while my restriction isn’t like it was when I was 6 months post op – I still can’t eat a lot, especially when I am eating the right things | Now, I do not claim to be perfect, but I try my hardest every day to make the right decisions | Do I make bad decisions? You bet – but I had the sleeve to not be on a constant diet for the rest of my life, but I had it done as a tool to educate and change myself and my mentality towards food 💕 | PS – yes I have red spray paint in my hair, it was the kids at work 🙄😂 | * * * * * * #wls #wlscommunity #vsg #vsgcommunity #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosssurgery #gastricsleeve #gastricbypass #sleevegastrectomy #beforeandafter #food #foodporn #healthyfood #healthy #health #foodblog #fuelyourbody #nutrition #comparison #transformationtuesday #tramsformation #body #bodybuilding #bodygoals #bodypositive #loveyourself

A post shared by Health And Life Journey (@jens_healthjourney) on Dec 18, 2017 at 4:27pm PST

| Not being in normal routine after surgery has had me feeling puffy as fuck and as well I swell like crazy every time I have surgery | I got Mum to take this side by side of me and all I could see was where I was hugely swollen | I then compared it to one of the first photos I ever took of myself in a bra and undies and I still shock my self | Down 90kg, and 8 days post op breast augmentation and lower body buttock lift 👌 | * * * * * * #wls #weightlosssurgery #wlscommunity #vsg #vsgcommunity #weightloss #weightlossjourney #nevergiveup #gastricsleeve #gastricbypass #excessskin #excessskinremoval #plasticsurgery #beforeamdafter #tbt #throwback #plasticsafterwls #bodytransformation #bodybuilding #bodygoals #bodysuit #fit #fitness #fitnessjourney #gym #workout #breastaugmentation #lbl #lowerbodylift #buttlift

A post shared by Health And Life Journey (@jens_healthjourney) on Nov 22, 2017 at 7:40pm PST

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